Part 4.3

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Aaron was staring at the sunset again when Aphmau awoke from her short nap. 

She yawned and let her eyes adjust. "Errr? You're at it again, Aaron." 

"Hm?" He turned to her, his glassy eyes making her die a little. 

"Uh, never mind." That came out rusty. She swallowed, but her throat was still parched. "I think I'm thirsty." 

"Oh." Aaron sat up. "Do you need some water?" 

She looked around. There was the soup on the tray on the nightstand, but no water pitcher anywhere. "I think we have to get some downstairs."

"Um. . ." He paused for a while. He fumbled with his fingers. "I can help you get down."

Her heart skipped a beat. "Are you sure? You're. . .y'know. . ."

He huffed. "I've learned the map of the place. I think." He moved to the edge of his bed closer to hers. "I'll carry you."

"What?!" she exclaimed, blushing profusely. "B--but. . .be careful." 

Aaron stood up and lifted Aphmau up. His left arm was under the behind of her knees and his right was under her back. Such muscular arms. . . Looking at his face made Aphmau slightly queasy in her stomach and blush even more. 

She also saw the scars from the Void up close and personal. They were still as bruise-purple as ever. It only brought memories she decided not to remember, ever. 

"Okay. Here goes nothing," he mumbled. "C--can you tell me if I'm going the wrong way?" She could see him turning a little red. 

"Um, okay." She blushed even harder. 

They took the first steps to the door effortlessly. 

"A little to your left," Aphmau said. 

Aaron followed and accidentally bumped her head to the wall. She groaned. "Sorry," he mumbled. Then he managed to reach the front of the door. 

"Um, can you get the door open?" he asked her. 

She blushed. "Sure." She held the door handle and pulled it open, making Aaron move backward too. 

Then she heard noises coming from below, which sounded something like footsteps. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew that she wasn't going to get her water soon. 

Aaron entered the hallway and went straight for the stairs. Aphmau saw the lights were on. Once they reached the railing, they saw Toby come in with his Guardian Forces uniform. The others were gathered around him. 

She held her breath. It was another meeting. 

"Put me down," she whispered. "Let's listen in on what he has to say." 

Toby gathered everyone in the living room. Melissa settled on the armrest of the couch while the others found places in the room. They had done this a lot of times, and it felt like she was in a cult. 

"Is everyone here?" Toby asked as everyone settled in. 

Nobody had an answer to that.

He sighed. "Anyway. . ." He looked in Melissa and Rowan's direction. "there's some good news today. We've managed to charter a boat so you all can go home."

This was met by cheers and elation.

"Finally!" Katelyn exclaimed, elbowing Lucinda, who seemed lost in thought until that moment. 

"Oh, uh, hooray. . ?" she said. 

"We're finally going  hooooome!" Kawaii~Chan screeched a little too loudly, shaking Zane. 

"Gah!" He swatted her away. 

Travis, who stood beside Katelyn, felt a little giddy. "I can't wait to meet Dante and Laurance again." He smiled sadly. "A lot has changed."

Kim cringed at the name drop. "Oh. Them." 

Eric and Sylvana smiled at each other. Zianna still had a worried look on her face, probably still worrying about Garroth and Garte's whereabouts. But Sylvana placed a hand on hers and squeezed it. 

Melissa felt her heart lighten. After months of staying in this cabin, she couldn't wait to settle at their huge mansion again. Only. . .it would be more emptier than usual. 

After a few minutes, everyone calmed down again. Toby cleared his throat. "After lots of. . .arrangements, we managed to secure a boat that will bring you all back to Lover's Lane. Things have been made difficult especially since there are still innocent people stranded on the island. Furthermore, there is a snowstorm brewing back at your place. . ." 

Zane raised an eyebrow. "Snowstorm? What in the world?"

"CHRISTMAS!" Kawaii~Chan screamed in his ear. 

"Gah! Kawaii~Chan!" 


Toby sighed again. 

Melissa understood. Time flew so fast that she forgot that it was almost December. She groaned to herself. That meant a lot of press conferences again. . .

"However, that's all in the past now, since we managed to find a means of transportation back home. You'll be traveling three days from now. You should all get prepared by then. I'm going to take my leave."

"So you're not going to eat dinner with us?" Sylvana asked. 

"Probably not," he replied. 

"What about Garte? And Garroth?" Zianna finally spoke up. "They've disappeared and I don't know where they are."

Toby stopped and turned towards her. "Garroth disappeared? That's new. But Garte. . ." He sucked in a breath. "we've been searching everyone around Starlight. He wouldn't get too far."

"Unless. . ." she said, a thought forming in her head. It was impossible. It couldn't be. 

"Unless. . ." he repeated, a thought forming in his head. It was possible. It could be. 

"I. . .I can help you find him," came a new voice, clearing his throat. Everyone turned to where it came from. Three people stood there, weary. 

And suddenly, the emotions hit all at once. 

"GarGar!" she exclaimed. "You're back!" She stood up but didn't approach. "But who are the people with you?"

"Daniel?!" Aphmau exclaimed from somewhere. 

Melissa's eyes widened and looked at them then up. "Aphmau? Aaron?! What are you doing up there?" She turned to the group. "And that. . ."

The most emotional out of all of them was surprisingly Sylvana. "You!" she stood up and took a few steps closer. "You imbecile! What are you doing in my house?!" Her voice shook with so much anger it silenced everyone. "You are not supposed to be here."

"I--I can explain!" Zach yelped. Garroth and Daniel backed away as she came even closer. 

"¡Vete a tomar por culo! You don't belong here!" 

Then she punched his face. Hard. 

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