Will we ever see you again?

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Once they had all calmed down, Tami stepped up towards the front. "So, I have decided to send you all back to the real world!"

Tami smiles, expecting people to be happy about it but they all looked sad. Toga speaks up, "But...I like reacting to things! And when we get sent back, we'll be villains again."

Tami smiles at Toga, "Well, why do you think I had everyone react to all these things? It hurt having to watch all of you guys suffer, whether it be from your past or present, so I brought you all here to react and learn more about each other. That way, when I send you back, you can help people in need!"

Everyone grins slightly at this. Nezu stands up on Aizawa's shoulder, much to Aizawa's protest, and addresses the villains in the room.

"How would you guys like it if you were able to have private classes at U.A.? They are private because I know that if the word got out, the public might be mad. That being said," Nezu turns to address everyone in the room, "you guys can't tell anyone about this either!"

The 'villains' look at each other before turning to Nezu, Shigaraki speaks for them all, "We would love too!"

Aizawa speaks up as everyone celebrates, "For the people whose lives were shown on screen, I would like to talk to you in my office when we get sent back."

Said people all cringed, before nodding in agreement. Their friends smiled, happy that they'd be getting help.

"Don't think you're getting off so easily Shota!" Mic says, wrapping his arms around his husbands waist. Aizawa rolls his eyes, "I'm an adult, Hizashi. My problems have already been dealt with."

"Obviously they haven't, they were shown on screen after all!" Mic leans in and gives Shota a kiss to stop him from disagreeing.

All the students stare in amazement, Mina snaps a couple pictures. Midnight playfully gags, "Uggh, you are disgusting! Get a room already!"

Mina turns towards Tami, "So...is this a goodbye forever?"

Tami laughs, "Oh god no! You all will definitely be back, there's a lot more secrets to be revealed. But as of now, I'll leave you to your own devices. Let you think over what you saw."

Tami smiles one last time before snapping their fingers.

Everyone's vision goes dark and then they are in the same places as when they had left. Though Kaminari is on the roof instead of falling. He runs down the stairs into the 1-A dorms, thinking it's all a dream.

When he gets there, he sees half of the class hanging out with the villains while the other half were no where to be seen.

Kaminari laughs when he sees it, "Thank god! I thought it was all a dream at first."

His classmates smile and beckon him over to hang out.


Yes, I'm ending this book. I'm sorry!! But there will be a second book where they react to more stuff, I promise! I just don't know when I'll get it out. I hope you all enjoyed reading this!

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