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This is part of the few reactions that MissTrypophobia suggested. I hope you enjoy it! I'll try to get another one out as soon as I can.

I skipped a couple parts in the song because I'm lazy. So, I'm sorry. This is obviously not canon. Just my AU.

TW: Alcohol, Abuse, Jail(I don't know if that's a trigger but I'm putting it down just incase) A small bit of body hate (or just hating who you/your parents are). Maybe a tiny itty bitty dash of suicidal thoughts if you look really close. But it's not implied. 


After getting tackled by the Dekusquad, Todoroki was forced to endure thousands of questions about his new friends and how they met. 

Luckily, Tami interrupted them shortly after the questions started. "Alright, you guys will be reacting to the S.S.S later, but right now we have something else to watch."

At that, the others nod and get comfortable.

Multiverse Loading


"That's an odd name..." Mic mutters, only the teachers hearing what he said. 

Aizawa rolls his eyes, "Just be quiet so that we can get this over with."

Dark as midnight. A young Tokoyami looks out his bedroom window. It's storming outside and at every lighting strike, he flinches slightly.

"IT'S MY BABY!!" Hawks screams loudly, making the people around him flinch at the outburst. Specifically, Dabi who was on Hawks lap at the moment.

Dabi ended up falling off the couch with a yelp of fear. Making the rest of the Bakusquad laugh at him after getting over their initial shock.

Tokoyami rolls his eyes, "I'm not your child Hawks." 

"Awww, you were scared of storms when you were younger?" Mina asks. 

Tokoyami nods, somewhat nervous, "I'm still scared of them, I've just gotten better at handling them." 

Six pack Coors Light. The screen flashes to a pile of empty beer bottles. Then to a man menacingly walking towards a woman, who's on the phone looking scared. 

"Oh no!" Kendo gasps, "That poor woman!" The others nod in sympathy, not noticing Tokoyami tensing up at the picture shown on the screen.

Shoji, however, notices and wraps an arm around him in comfort.

You don't look the same. Tokoyami flinches when he hears a crash down the hall. Instead of getting up to investigate it, he crawls under his bed. A younger Dark Shadow curls around his shoulders in a comforting way.

"W-wait, Tokoyami are those your parents!?"

Everyone turns to look at Tokoyami who just leaned into Shoji's chest, which answered Sato's question.

Hawks growls lightly under his breath. (I swear I'll kill his father!) Dabi hears the growl and gives him a hug to try to calm him down.

Past my bedtime. A clock on his bedside table shows 12:54. He hears footsteps and slides farther into the dark corner under his bed. The man walks in, with a scowl on his face.

"Oh! I swear if he even touches you I'll-" Sero starts, before getting cut off by Tokoyami.

"I-it's alright Sero! There's nothing you can do about it, that's in the past."

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