Chapter 24

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بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Assalaamu alaikum 🧕🏾

How're y'all?
Ik it's been so long I'm really sorry🥺 I don't even have any valid excuse tbh 😔


Hope you haven't abandoned me😭😭😭

I wrote the chapter on a paper , I don't even do that but i donno why i did that day and then i lost the paper🥺

So i kinda got extremely discouraged cos it took me a lot of effort to write it even though it was a bit crappy. And I don't really have a good memory so I can't remember well what i wrote😭

Plus I've been trying to improve my editing skills too. Atleast that's starting to work out.

I'll just try to keep writing even if it's not that good. Please bear with me.

Not edited.

Enjoy 😊

I smiled satisfied with the scent of the tea. After adding some mint leaves, I transferred it to a flask and took that to the dining table too.

Though I didn't want to pay attention, I couldn't help but notice that pinky was somewhat sad last night. It was a bit confusing, he seemed like the type of man that wouldn't get affected by anything. But maybe he does have a heart after all.

Finally i was done with everything for breakfast. I found out from sam recently that pinky had his meals at the office. That's not surprising but when i asked her why she was telling me, she said the meals were made by his secretary.

Not only is she gorgeous, she can cook?? Like what the hell does the universe have against me? He was a picky eater so him having her meals definitely meant something. I wasn't jealous or anything, i was doing it for my own self esteem and pride. So he knows i have some good too. I can do stuff too.

Once everything was set, i freshened up and set out to go pick up the twins. Finally they were going to leave my house. After getting them from the after school care, i went to inform the school management that their old driver would be coming to pick them from next week. They had a very strict policy that we had to inform them who'll be picking the kids for security.

I heard the ping of my phone the second i got in, i had left it in the cup holder and oh my God 24 missed calls from sam with four messages. She really knows how's to spam a person i thought with an eye roll.

Where are you?

I'm at your house

Can you hurry the hell up????


I quickly switched the phone off. I wasn't a very good driver and sam spam calling me the whole way back home was a distraction.

I tried my best not to go past the speed limit and drove home before samirah breaks down my front door.

Leaving the car for the driver to park, i left the twins behind and hurried to sam.

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