Chapter 22

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بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Assalaamu alaikum 🧕🏾

Yo! Ladiessssss (and gentlemen👀)

How're y'all doing? Good i hope. If you're not doing good then Allah yabaada sauki.

Y'all need to bear with me tho because my writing is still not as good as it used to be 😔 I'm sowieeee🥺

Not edited.

Enjoy 😊

I woke up to the sound of the kids' laughter booming from downstairs. I wondered what they could possibly have to talk about with a person like pinky.


Last night's memories rushed into my head. I was very confused. Is he nice or is he just deceiving me?

I chose not to think about it to much and just get back to sleep. But then I remembered mommy telling me the twins were having their math examination the next monday and ameerah was terrible at math. Ameer wasn't all that great at it either.

I went into the bathroom and took a bath then dressed and went downstairs. "Good morning" i greeted and they replied. It was almost 1pm and the twins were still in pajamas.

Why did mommy have to transfer her raino (care taking) to me?

I had my breakfast and took the dishes to the kitchen.

"You have exams on monday right" i asked.

"No we don't" ameer replied.

"That's wierd though, mommy said you have math exams"

"It's next week" ameerah hurriedly stated.

Ohh i see what's going on here.

"Come on. Let's go take a bath and we can study for your exams"

"It's not on monday" ameer said again.

"Shut up!" I pulled them both with me upstairs.
Ameerah took a bath in my bathroom while ameer had his in their room.He was a very shy person. He would always cry and get angry at everyone whenever i changed him to pajamas after he falls asleep in the living room. So I stopped and just let him sleep in whatever he was wearing.

I spent the whole day tutoring ameer and ameerah but in vein. They didn't get a thing i was teaching them. It was almost magrib and we had achieved nothing the whole day. The worst part of it all was them asking me to hurry up so they can go watch TV. They were the ones with blocked brains and they acted like i was disturbing them.

I asked them to go and pray "we'll continue after salah"

They both groaned.

What the hell?

When we got back i was able to teach them how to add and subtract decimals. "We're done for today"

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