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Time:21:29Location: Keantae's House

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Location: Keantae's House.

"I'm not talking to you while you have this nasty attitude uno." he ignored her sitting at the island as she continued to go on.

"i don't have an attitude, your always tryna say that when i just wanna say what i need to and would like to do so now."

"i know what your saying." he sighed.

"your mum isn't like she used to be Keantae, she's on drugs and we don't know what she's doing? i don't want to bring my son around her and the last time he was there he came back with that big ass cut and his chain was gone."

he listened to her but ignored, definitely something he specialised in being in a relationship for so long.

"and your not even listening you take the piss." he zoned back in seeing her walk away from him

"keep chatting to me like that, i'm not scared of you."

"when you act like that you make me wanna leave.." she mumbled.

"excuse me?"

"and don't come in the bed with that i'm sorry i love you because your invalidating my feelings on this situation, yes she's your mum his grandma but she's untrustworthy get your fucking pillows and blanket and get comfortable down here."

"your acting like a bitch." he said.

"what did you just call me?" her expression changed.

"i'm not taking shit back either."

"what your not gonna do is talk to me like one of the girls you used to have sex with back in year 10, treat me with some respect." she said firmly

"furthermore your not God! your not going to change your mums ways without doing what has to be done, once you've sent her to therapy or rehabilitation and she's back how she was then i will allow Na'von to see her and spend time with her, about i'm a bitch go suck out."

"mhm." he hummed.

"y'know what?" she took off upstairs for a few seconds then came back within two minutes, with car keys and na'von in her arms

"go put my son down what the fuck is wrong with you." he opened his arms waiting for her to put Na'von in his arms

"put him down.." he told her again.

she looked up as his face, then at the couch carefully putting na'von down then placing the engagement ring in his hand.

"so what we're done?"he asked

"just a break.."

"some people don't come back from a break.."

"we need it Keantae."

"where you going?"

"i'll message you in the morning.."

*End of Chapter

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