Top surgery

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Tomo and Toshiro are 18 months old, and whined off breast milk. I'm with them, and Keiji in the hospital while we wait for his name to be called, so he can go back for his top surgery. It's going to take at least a month for Keiji to recover fully, and even then it's going to be weird for him, but this is his choice to do, and I'm here to support him through it. 

"Bokuto Keiji?" He stands up, and gives me a kiss. I know I didn't have to stay while he was waiting, but I wanted to. 

"Go ahead and get home love. I'm going to be here for a few days. You know what to do right?" I nod, and he kisses the twins foreheads. He's only going to be in here for a few days, and I can bring the twins to see him. They get a little fussy when they can't see him anymore, but I drive them to a park, and push them in a couple of toddler swings. Their shriek's and squeals of happiness make me chuckle. They love swings like its the best thing on earth, which to an 18 month old, is probably true. Keiji says I can't teach them volleyball until their at least three though. Their gonna love it though. Keiji can barely contain them when their watching me in a match. 

When we get home, I feed them, and work on making my own food. I may not be the best cook in the world, but I sort of know how to cook. I still have no clue how to make rice though. After we've all eaten, I bathe the boys and they crawl on the floor playing with their toys, while I turn on a cartoon, until they start to get sleepy. That's when I chuckle and scoop them up, spinning them around a couple times, before I bring them to their room. I grab a picture book and read them a story as they fall asleep in my arms. I give my boys a few kisses each before putting them to bed.  

I go back down, and pick up their toys and turn off the TV. Keiji likes to keep things as clean as possible around the house. I should try to keep it as clean as I can while he's in the hospital. I go upstairs after tidying the living room and kitchen, and climb into our bed. I usually cuddle him while we sleep. We both tend to have nightmares that he's back in that awful place called his parents house. It's a way we reassure ourselves. That nightmare is long over. But the nightmares still pop up every now and then. But at the current moment, he's either still in surgery or recovering in a hospital bed. I grab his pillow and cuddle that. It'll have to do for a few days. 

The next day, I come see him, with the boys. He's sitting up in a hospital bed, a smile on his face as he sees the three of us walk though. "There's my boys! I was wondering when you guys were going to show." He says with a smile. He takes Tomo from me, and sits him in his lap, and I give him a kiss. 

"You feeling okay?"

"In a bit of pain, but I took some painkillers a few minutes before you guys showed up. I was missing you guys though. I know it's only been about a day, but still."


"Yeah. Home is pretty noisy, but it's full of smiles. It's just so quiet here. It's almost eerie." He sighed and gave Tomo a kiss on the forehead. "Last time I'm going to have to wear a binder. I'm ready to get it over with."

"Aren't you good to stop wearing them after surgery?" He shook his head. 

"I've got to keep one on as much as possible for the next month, make sure fluids don't build up. It also makes sure it all heals properly." I nod in understanding. "Anyways, what did you guys do last night?" he asked, deciding to change the topic.

"I took them to the park. You know how much they love the swings. They were fussing that you were gone until I took them there." He chuckled, and bounced Tomo a bit, messing with his arms, as Tomo laughed in happiness at his papa. "Fed them, gave them a bath and then we watched some cartoons and they played with their toys some before I put them to bed. Yes, I did pick them up, I know how much it drives you crazy when I don't." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. 

"Thank you." We kept talking, joking around and such for as long as we could. Every now and then, we would switch which twin we were holding, so they each got some time with him. I put both in the bed with him, and took some pictures to send to kuroo, who was coming with kenma and their daughter Eri tomorrow. I would always joke about how they named her after an anime character, but I had to admit, it was a pretty name. She looks exactly like kenma with dark brown hair, and hazel eyes so light they look yellow. But she definitely got kuroo's behavior, and it's really showing now that she's learned to walk. She's a bit older than our boys at 21 months,  but has figured out how to sort of waddle around like an odd penguin.  

Eventually we had to go. visiting hours were over, but not after a few more kisses. The boys fussed again at the loss of their papa, but I figured going to my best buds house and having them see their cousin would be a great way to cheer them up. 

Knocking on the door, kuroo opened up with a smile like usual. "Hey man!" He said, and took the twins from me so I could take off my shoes. "Dang, these two keep getting bigger every time I see them. Keiji doing good?"

"Yeah, we just came from seeing him actually. I figured since they were fussy from leaving, coming here would cheer them up." He laughed. 

"Oh, I know! Kenma's in the middle of a stream at the minute, and Eri's taking a nap, how about we crash it."

"Absolutely." I take Toshiro from kuroo and we head up. Kenma's in the middle of a genshin impact stream, his face cam facing the door, his set up opposite, with some space behind where he kept all the wires and other things, and of course, it was all baby proofed, since they had Eri. We opened the door while he was talking. He didn't hear us walk in, and we put Tomo in front of the camra, scaring him slightly as the chat went crazy with 'awws' and asking who he was, and what was going on. He was laughing a bit as he recovered.

"Testsuro, koutaro, what are you two doing?"

"Crashing the stream, what does it look like?" He said as I looked at the stream, who was going crazy over a giggling Tomo. 

"Hey buddy, look they love ya!" I said, adjusting him, and he clapped because he was so happy. 

Kenma muttered some questions from the stream to himself before answering them, as kuroo put Toshiro in front of the camera. 

"No they aren't mine or my husbands. Only Eri is ours. These are my nephews. They're identical twins, I don't have any siblings, they're my nephews because of close friends. They have two dad's like Eri, but one of their dad's, the one who isn't here is trans. He's not here because he's recovering from his top surgery." He muttered another question and turned to me. "Hey one wants to meet your husband. Mind if I record while we're in the hospital tomorrow?" I shrug.

"I don't have an issue, but you'll have to ask him." 

"I'll take that as a most likely. Okay to the person who asked that, It's going to be on my YouTube." He looks at the chat. "Koutaro, the chat seems to really like your twins." I smile.


It's about a month later. Keiji came home a few weeks ago. Today's the day he can take off his binder for good. He was allowed to have to off for showers, but that's about it. Today we can get a good look at the scar he's going to have. He's nervous, but I know it's going to be fine. It's going to be a while before things get in order fully, but this is a good step. He takes off the binder and steps in front of the mirror. He looks at the long scar under where his breasts used to be, now replaced with a flat chest. He smiles, and tears up, like the first time I gave him a binder. I wrap my arms around his waist, and kiss his cheek. "I told you it was going to be fine." I turn his head and kiss him lovingly. "I've said it time and time again Keiji, and I'll say it yet again. I'll always be here. Always there for you to fall back on. Because, I love you." He turned around and kissed me, before pulling me close, his arms under mine and his hands on my shoulder, and his face berried in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him gently, knowing how tender his chest was right now.

"I love you too kou."


I almost didn't want to finish this, but sadly, all things must come to an end. 

Thank you for reading this, and supporting me while writing it. 


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