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I grab a flannel, a hammer, and a blanket, and wait for kuroo to show up at my house. I wasn't waiting long when I heard his truck's horn honk at my house, and I dashed out with the stuff in my arms, and threw them in the back and scrambled into the front seat. "Let's go." I said as Kuroo pulled out of the driveway. 

"You know his address?" 

"Yeah one sec." I said putting it in google maps. I was worried about akaashi. Who knows what he's going through right now. I just hope we get there before it gets worse. 

It takes us only 7 minutes to get there. As soon as kuroo pulls up a block away as to not raise any suspicion, I get out and grab the hammer and flannel, and run as fast as I can to akaashi's house. I run around to where I heard the tapping earlier, and crouched down and shined my phone flashlight through the window. I saw akaashi in a corner trying to cover himself with his hands and scraps of cloth that seemed to once be clothes. He was shivering, and by the looks of it, completely naked. He caught sight of me and tried to cover himself more, tears streaming down his face. 

I swung the hammer, shattering the window. I was mad now. They tore up his clothes and left him in the cold, unable to do anything but cry. Their monsters. If I could, I'd kill them, but right now, I have to get akaashi out of there. I slip the hammer into a nearby trash can and start climbing in.             

"K-koutaro..." He said in between sobs as I climbed in with the blanket and flannel. 

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned. He shakes his head no, as I drape the flannel over his wounded and shivering body. I look around. A white substance puddled on the couch, along with some blood every now and then. I looked back at akaashi to see him breathing heavily as I helped him stand. The flannel was on but unbuttoned. I was making an effort to only look at his face. "Can you walk?" 

"No, I cant. I cant even move my left leg."

"What did they do to you?" I ask him and he looks down. 

"Help me turn around." Once his back is facing me, he pulled the flannel down to reveal deep gashes littering his back. What's more, a few seemed to be infected. I gently wrapped my arms around him. 

"It's going to be okay. Don't worry." I tell him burring my face in his neck. He flinches as I do that and I back off, and I pull the flannel back over his body, and help him to the window, moving away the broken glass as best I can so he doesn't cut his feet. I help him out first, then myself. Once the both of us are outside, and akaashi is holding the flannel shut, I carry him bridal style to Kuroos truck, placing him in the backseat and grabbing the blanket for him. I sit next to him and hold him close as Kuroo drives to the nearest hospital to make sure he's okay. The drive is silent other than sobs coming from akaashi slightly muffled from his face being buried in my chest.

I'm sure he's going to be okay, but that doesn't really help me calm down right now.

ill always be here (bokuaka)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ