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I don't know why, but I've been a little more on edge lately. I'm trying to brush it off, but thats easier said than done. Not to mention my shoulder is killing me. I grab it and rub it. I think I might just go home today. "AKAASHI!" I hear the exited yell of my boyfriend call from across the gym. "Come set for me!" He calls. I want to, but its hard when my shoulder hurts so much. 

"I'm kind of tired today bokuto-san, I think I'll head home." He looks at the shoulder I'm grabbing.

"You're not really that good at hiding it when somethings bothering you, you know that right?" He thought for a minute. "You didn't dislocate your shoulder did you?" He asked worried. I chuckle slightly.

"No, I didn't." 

"Oh ho ho, I get it now." He says rubbing his chin. "You're tense! Come with me, we'll fix you right up." He says taking my hand, and leading me to the locker room. "Go ahead and sit on a bench I'll be there in a second." He paused for a minute. "Take your shirt off too."


"It'll work easier. I'm not asking you to take your binder off, just your shirt." I sigh and slip off my tee shirt, revealing the bandages, as bokuto sits down behind me. "Okay, now just relax, and let me do the work." He says, as his hands place themselves gently on my shoulders. 

"Do you even know what your doing?"

"Oh yeah. My mom has back problems and sometimes needs this." 

"Okay then." He starts moving his hands and rubbing my shoulders, applying extra pressure in his fingers and the base of his palms. I sigh contently. This dose feel really good.

"Wow, that took pretty much no effort." he says amazed, and keeps working on my stiff shoulders, small sounds coming from my mouth every now and then. "Hey akaashi, ive got a question."


"Isn't it bad to use bandages?" I go quiet, and his hands leave my shoulders. He pulls me in for a hug, and rests his head in my shoulder gently.

"I... Yes, but it's not like I can get an actual binder. I can only find them online, and my parents track everything bought online like a hawk." He's quiet for a minute.

"I see..." He lets go and keeps going with the massage and I smile a little. It feels really good. He finishes up, and I slip my shirt back on, heading to practice. However bokuto-san is quiet. He's thinking about something, a glint of happiness and mischief in his golden eyes.

What is he planning?

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