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We walked to the pizza place after meeting up with kuroo and kenma. They heard everything of what happened, and kenma could tell I was a little shaken. We just went to get some pizza at the Italian restaurant down the street. We didn't make important conversation, just chatting about volleyball, and videogames. Well, Bokuto-san and Kuroo were talking about volleyball, Kenma and I were talking about video games. Mostly about what we could add to our Minecraft world. I was thinking of adding a tree house, filling it with parrots, (Since there are no owls in Minecraft) and naming each after a member of my team, and putting a sign over it that said "Fukurōdani". We both chuckled at the thought of doing that. Kuroo and Bokuto-san were confused about that, but brushed it off. 

We arrived at the pizza place. Once we sat down, and discussed what pizza to get, eventually settling on a pepperoni and sausage pizza. We waited for a few minutes before bokuto spoke. "Akaashi, I got a question." 

"What is it bokuto-san?"

"... Why didn't you tell me about this?"


"I mean, why didn't you tell me your trans?" He asked in a voice that was fairly quiet, especially since he yells a lot. I was grateful he was at this moment, conscious of his volume. 


"You dont have to tell me now if you dont want to. You dont have to tell me at all if you dont want to tell me." I stay quiet for a minute. 

"C-can we talk about this a little later?"

"Yeah! How about at kenmas place?" Kenma perked up.

"I didn't agree to this." He said looking between us. 

"Come on kitten. We're just gonna be talking." He sighed.


"Okay then, I got to grab my bag and head home for at most, an hour. I need to get some things from my place, and my mom would kill me if she knew I lied about where I was."

"Where did you say you were?"

"An ex friends place. The reason we are no longer friends is another story. But we stopped being friends when I came out at school." 

"Transphobic?" Kuroo asked. 


"Fair." He replied simply. We went back to small talk, dropping the subject. There was no need to discuss it farther. It was, nice. The atmosphere was comforting. We ate our pizza while joking around and having a good time. We Left after eating, (Kuroo insisted on paying,) and we head to kenmas place. I grabbed my bag, and left, and headed to the place I live, but its not the place I can call home. 

I went in, and took off my shoes. I dont want to be here for long. I've always hated the atmosphere at my house. To me, its toxic. The homophobia and transphobia lingers in the air so much anyone in the LGBT community can sense it a block away. But unfortunately for me, I live here. 

I head upstairs to my room and open my bag, emptying my dirty clothes, and replacing my school clothes, and gym clothes, since I was going to my school from kenmas place on Monday. That was the plan, and I had discussed it with my mom in private. I grabbed a couple tee's and shorts, and a couple pairs of boxers. I had everything else I needed for the weekend. The last thing I needed was to just, toss a uniform in for school. I did so promptly, and left. My mom didn't even say anything to me, other than a simple, "Have fun kunuki." As I went out of the door. 

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