"Will you go out with me?"

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The next week seemed to drag on forever, and I just wanted it to be Saturday already, so I could ask akaashi out on a date. I need to buy the flowers, and get the place set up, with kuroo's help. I really hope he says yes when I ask him. Also I need to help kuroo the next day so he can ask out kenma. I'm rooting for him. He's planning on asking kenma out at his place around the same time I ask out akaashi. He's taking kenma out to play at an arcade if he says yes, but he needs someone to hype him up. That's were I come into play. I'm the hype man for kuroo. This weekend is big for the both of us, and neither of us can wait.

~Timeskip to saturday~

I woke up around noon, and got in the shower to wake myself up. After, I put on a pair of black jeans, and a blue tee shirt that said "calories? I think you mean delicious points". I went downstairs, heading out the door, seeing kuroo outside with his truck, and a ladder in the back. "Help me out man!" I yelled, grabbing a box of lights. Kuroo got out of the car, and grabbed a box of paper decorations I made with my little brother and sister. I went back and grabbed the battery for the lights, and the blanket. 

"Whats going on?" A little sleepy voice came from the stairwell. I turned around, and it was Mina, my little sister. I smiled. "Sorry, did we wake you up?"


"Sorry bout that kiddo. Anyways, me and kuroo are setting up for me to ask someone out on a date."

"Oni-chan's getting a girlfriend?" She asked, her eyes lighting up. I laugh slightly. 

"Boyfriend actually, with any luck."

"Ooohhh." She said in understanding. "Good luck oni-chan!" She said hugging me. 

"Thanks mina. Anyways I gotta get going. Its already 12:30, and we have quite a bit of work to do." She nods and lets go of me. I head outside and put the rest of the stuff in the back of the truck, and climb into the passenger seat. I wave my sister goodbye, as she closes the door, and we pull out of the driveway. We first stopped by a McDonalds and grabbed some lunch before we went to the park. Kuroo parked as close as he could to the cherry blossom tree where I planned to confess. Kuroo pulled out the ladder, and set it up. I pulled out the lights, and string them around the branches, while kuroo got the battery set up. He pugged the lights in to make sure they work. He left the battery off after making sure the lights worked since the battery had a switch, and we didnt want the battery to be run down by the time to confess. 

While I was up in the tree, kuroo grabbed the paper ornaments, and handed them to me while I put them up. There were around 20 or so, and they were nicely spaced, so it didn't seem to cluttered. "Okay, we're good!" I yelled while I got down from the tree. Believe it or not, but it took us three hours to set everything up. It was now 4:15 in the afternoon, and we left to grab some dinner at the nearby burger king. 

"You know where to get the flowers right?"

"Yep! there's a florist not too far from here that I can go to for them."

"Okay, just checking."

We continued to eat, and after we threw away our trash, we just chilled until it was almost sundown. I grabbed the blanket from the truck and layed it down, placing some rocks on each corner to prevent it from getting swept away by the wind. I then ran to the florist, and grabbed  bouquet of yellow lilies, and hurried back to the spot, and waited impatiently for akaashi. 

A few minutes later I saw akaashi walking over and I hid the bouquet behind my back and waved him over. He walked over and he looked so star-struck from the scenery I made with kuroo's help. "Bokuto-san, did you do this yourself?"

"I had some help."

"Its beautiful." He said as he spun around to admire it all, a small smile graced his face, making me blush. "But why did you set it all up, and then ask me to meet you here?" I took a deep breath in, and gulped. I'm nervous, but its now or never. 

"Akaashi keiji." I said, and he looked me in the eyes. I pulled the flowers our from behind my back, holding them out for him. "Will you go out with me?" His eyes widened, and he covered his mouth.

"YES!" He yelled while jumping into my arms hugging me. He pulled back, a bright smile on his face, and he leaned in. Before I knew what happened, his lips were on mine in a kiss, which I gladly returned. 

This is the best day EVER! 

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