Somethings off...

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Its been a few months since that first date, and over the last week, something about akaashi has seemed a little off to bokuto. He's noticed slight changes in behavior when he's near people he doesn't know well. He's always been a little shy around people he doesn't know well, but it's been worse. Almost a if he's afraid their going to hurt him. It's concerning to bokuto, but he knows akaashi will come to him when he's ready to.

At least he hopes he will. 

They were practicing blocks, tosses and receives today and bokuto was secretly monitoring akaashi, to see if he was still acting off. Something told him that something was happening, or something had happened, but he didn't want to seem pushy. He made sure that he always had akaashi in his line of vision, even if it wasn't direct. As long as he could see him. 

he noticed a few things that seemed odd, and set off small alarms in his head. One teammate put his hand up for a high five, and for a split second, akaashi flinched. Bokuto wouldn't have even noticed it had he not been looking for it. He brushed it off the first time, but it happened  few more times, and with other team mates. And it was hard to see, but when he was receiving, he could have sworn he saw a tinge of pain in his eyes, and a tiny flinch. What's more, it happened every time he revived. 

The one thing that seemed normal to bokuto, was his jump. He didn't seem to be having any difficulty jumping, and he didn't seem to be limping either, so that brought a little piece of mind to bokuto. But It didn't make him any less worried about his boyfriend. Especially when he seemed to be breathing heavier. 

Not wanting his boyfriend to overexert himself he went up behind him and gently placed a hand oh his shoulder which made him jump slightly. "Woah akaashi, are you okay? It's just me."

"I'm sorry bokuto-san. Did you need something?"

"I just wanted to see if you needed to take a minute to catch your breath. You seem to be breathing pretty heavy. You doing okay?" Akaashi nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. I might take a minute or two to catch m breath and get some water in a few minutes though."

"Okay, good! You don't want to overexert yourself." He said with his smile. Akaashi blushed slightly and nodded. "Also if anything's wrong, just let me know, okay? I'm always here for you." He said in a voice loud enough for only akaashi to hear.

"Everything's fine bokuto-san, but thank you for worrying." He said loud enough for his lover to hear.

"Of course! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't worry about you?" He said with a smile. "Not a very good one, I'll tell you that." He said and he patted akaashis shoulder gently before heading back to his practice, but still making sure to keep an eye on his lover. 

Something wasn't right. A nagging at the back of his head kept telling him that something was going on that akaashi wasn't telling him. He ignored it. He figured he's just being overly worried about his boyfriend. That's all it is.


ill always be here (bokuaka)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora