TFP Starscream x RID Windblade

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While Starscream's wandering around Cybertron after Megatron left he comes across an Autobot femme with wings in a stasis pod. He frees her and is immediately attracted to her.
Starscream muttered angrily as he wandered around Cybertron. How dare Megatron abandon him and the Decepticon cause! After a few days he came across a stasis pod.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Starscream asked, seeing that there was a femme with wings in the stasis pod.

Windblade recharged peacefully in her stasis pod, unaware that she was found. Starscream pressed a button and the stasis pod opened, allowing Windblade to fall out. Starscream caught her before she hit the ground, making sure not to touch her wings. Windblade's systems came online after a few moments. Starscream saw that she was an Autobot, but he couldn't find it in himself to care.

"Where… Where am I?" Windblade asked, her optics fluttering open.

"You're on Cybertron." Starscream replied, admiring her beauty.

"Who are you? How long have I been in stasis?" Windblade asked, not recognizing him.

"My name is Starscream. I have no idea how long you've been in stasis." Starscream said softly, realizing that she didn't recognize him.

Windblade was about to say something before she went unconscious. She was clearly low on energon, most likely due to being in stasis for so long. Starscream decided to take her to his hideout and give her energon; he stole some when the Autobots weren't looking, so he had enough for both of them. Suddenly he didn't feel so bitter about being abandoned.

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