Chapter 95: The Yule Ball Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't he come?" Harry asked, making a huge mistake. I just knew Percy was just going to get stuck in to one of his long and usually pointless stories that could usually be summed up in a few words.

"I'm afraid to say that Mr. Crouch isn't well," he announced casually. "Not well at all. Hasn't been right since the world cup. Hardly surprising, overworked. He's not as young as he was..."

At that point of time, I stopped listening to Percy and looked over at Hermione and Viktor who was describing the Durmstrang castle to her as Karkaroff glared at him. It didn't seem like he wanted Viktor giving away any of Drumstrang's 'secrets'.

"'Ow do we order ze food?" Fleur asked just as I realised how hungry I was.

"It's simple Miss Delacour," Dumbledore smiled at her as he picked up the menu in front of him and looked at it. "Porkchops."

As soon as Dumbledore said the food he wanted, it appeared on the plate in front of him. I knew it had to be house elf magic and half expected Hermione to say something. But she was too involved with her conversation with Viktor and trying to teach how to pronounce her name to pay attention to what was going on.

"Isn't that one of America's favorite foods, Miss Rogers. Porkchops and apple sauce," Karkaroff asked snidely.

"Actually, Professor Karkaroff, it's a popular food all around the world. But it's strange you know that porkchops and apple sauce quote considering it's a well knowing saying from a popular muggle show called The Brady Bunch," I said sweetly, wondering how on earth he knew of the show or if it was just a big coincidence.

"Odd, indeed," Professor Karkaroff smiled, showing off his yellowed teeth. There was something off about the man but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

"What's his problem?" Cedric asked me, making me shrug.

"I have no idea but something doesn't feel right about him," I whispered.

"You're not wrong," Cedric said as I picked up the menu to look at it.

"Oh my god, yes!" I said as I read the menu.

"Okay what are you so excited about?" Cedric laughed.

"Oh, I'll show you," I said as I placed the menu back down, ready to order what I wanted for dinner. "Southern fried chicken and mashed potatoes"

In a second the fried chicken appeared on my plate, looking just as good as anything my Gran would make. It had been so long since I had anything that could be considered Southern comfort food and I just hoped it tasted as good as it looked.

"That isn't Kentucky fried chicken, is it?" Hermione asked me in shock as I started to eat.

"No, it's not the pathetic excuse for southern fried chicken. It's the real deal, just like my Gran makes," I told her.

"I don't see the difference," she said in disgust.

"Oh, don't go there Hermione," I laughed. "Let's just say it's not mass produced and dipping in oil."

Much to my delight, traditional apple pie with vanilla and caramel sauce was one of the options for dessert. Something told me that my little house elf friend had something to do with it. Which made me happy I got Dobby the newest version of the Avengers sock collection for Christmas. 


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