Ch. 16 Tragedy Brings Sorrow.

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~Hello, hope you are having a nice day.~

~*A few minutes after the events of last chapter*~

Izuku awoke in a hospital bed. He looked around the room to notice a nurse on the side of the bed seemingly waiting for him to wake up.

"Oh? You're awake." The Nurse said "What happened?" Izuku replied "You were saved and brought here by a hero." "Wheres Momo?" "Momo who?" "Momo Yaoyorozu, my Girlfriend." "Is she one of the people that was in the restaurant that got leveled by Elder Centipede."

"Yes! Where is she?" "See, this is the nearest hospital to that place, and we haven't had anyone named Momo Yaoyorozu check in yet... I'm sorry..."

"Can you leave me for a minute, I just need a minute to myself." "As you wish." The nurse replied as she left.

Now that Izuku was alone in his room he started to realize the weight  this one event and the loss of his girlfriend. He couldn't believe it, just like that, building leveled, and her gone.

Izuku couldn't take it anymore, he started to cry. He had taken Momo for granted and all that she brought to his life. Without her his life would return to its once boring self. With this being realized he started to cry non-stop as his Demon Cyborg quirk started to heal him rapidly.

~*At the site of the rubble.*~

'This is it huh? This is where it ends? Buried under a building while Bat is probably dying fighting that monster. I'm sorry Bat, sorry that I couldn't help you like I said I would.'  Momo said as all the Oxygen in her legs started to expire.

'No! I wont let it end like this, we still have so much to do together.' Momo thought as she used all over he strength to dig her head out of the rubble. She breathed a big breath of Oxygen and started to dig.

Eventually she got out and got about a quarter down the road before passing out and being brought to the hospital.

~*Back with Izuku*~

Izuku had gotten home a few minutes ago. He walked through the door and Inko greeted him.

"Hi Izuku!"


Izuku walked by her with a dead expression devoid of all life and emotion, he had stains all over his face from where he had been crying.

He walked into his room and locked the door. All that could be heard from the outside was Izuku crying into his pillow. A few hours later he turned on the tv to see the news report on the incident.

"A grave attack has happened, on an unprecedented scale earlier this morning the beast known as Elder Centipede attacked the city of Musutafu Japan. The beast being of a length unknown by us caused damage all over the city. Leveling multiple buildings and killing hundreds. This unfortunate event resulted in the deaths of 236 and over 54 are currently pronounced missing. We are informed that Metal Bat and another mysterious hero put a stop to the monster before more destruction could be caused. More on this story at 9." The news reporter read out.

Izuku dialed the Hero Association. One of the executives picked up. "Metal Bat! Great job helping put a stop to eld-" "I didn't stop shit..." "Pardon?" "I didn't stop shit, I did fuck all to Elder Centipede. I had to be saved by a man who I don't even know for sure what his fucking name is. I want the media to give me no credit for this victory." "As you wish Metal Bat. Have a nice day."

Izuku then decided to lie back down.

9:00 PM rolled around quicker than Izuku thought it would. He tuned back into the news. "Good evening all of you lovely ladies and gentlemen. We have acquired information that one of the missing citizen has been found, we are being told her name is Momo Yaoyorozu. We are also being told she is in the hospit-"

The news reporter continued but Izuku was already down the street running full speed to the nearest hospital.

'Please be okay.' Izuku hoped. He got to the check in "Hello sir, how can I help you today?" "I am here to see Momo Yaoyorozu" "Room 32 Upstairs." As soon as she finished that sentence Izuku was already darting for the stairs.

He arrived upstairs. Every few steps he would take.

'Please be okay.' 'I want you to be fine.' 'I hope you are okay.' He stopped infront of the door, took a deep breath, then opened it.

He walked in and saw Momo sitting there in the hospital bed asleep. Izuku almost cried seeing her still alive. He walked up to her bedside and as if she could feel his presence. She woke.

"Momo, your alive.." "I wasn't going to die just yet." "I'm so happy to see you." Izuku said as he hugged her with the most emotion he ever had. He kissed her on the forehead then let go.

"You have no idea how sad I was when the nurse told me you were dead a few hours ago." "It just shows you love me." "More than you could ever know." They hugged again this time for a lot longer.

Then Momo decided to ask Izuku something.

"Izuku, can I ask you something." "You can ask me anything Momo." "When we get old enough will you marry me?" "I wouldn't think twice about it." "No dying before that then. That goes for both of us."

"How much longer do you have to be in here Momo?" "8 more hours. You can leave if you want." "I'm going to stay, you wanna know why?" "Why?"

"I'm staying because I love you, more than anything."

~*End of Chapter*~

~2 chapters in an hour? What am I? A magician?~

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