Ch. 15 A Challenger Approaches.

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~This is a slice of life episode or maybe you could call it filler.~

We are in the middle of the city of Musutafu, Japan. It was the middle of rush hour, inside the Midoriya Household reside 3 people, Momo Yaoyorozu, Izuku and Inko Midoriya. They were talking for a bit when Inko suggested they should go somewhere while she cleans up the house for some guests. Izuku being Izuku wanted to go with Momo to a place that she would want to go.

So he pulled a genius trick. "I've got an Idea of where we could go." Izuku said. "Where?" Momo asked. "Guess." "Is it that new restaurant near the square!" "Yep. You guessed it." Izuku's mind was so relieved and Momo had never been so happy for food in her life.

They arrived there and Izuku had to keep putting Momo's plates back on her to tell her that's how you count your damn check.

Then all of a sudden...

The ground started shaking...

Explosions could be heard in the distance...

Izuku had a hunch of who it was and walked outside and dove for a nearby ally to change to his hero costume.

He got done and walked out of the alley to see everything as it should be...


Out of the ground came a Centipede in a state of incomparable size. Elder Centipede has arrived. Izuku stood there shocked, he didn't even know how this creature was still alive. He thought Saitama killed him a while about 20 years ago before he went off the face of the earth.

He leaped towards the creature and landed on its head. Izuku got up all the force he could generate and swung down his bat. It barely cracked the skin. It almost instantly healed back.

A thud echoed around the city as Izuku had only one thought.

"Fuck." He said as was flung off the head into a nearby building. He stood back up and was filled with worry as he saw the building Momo was in get absolutely leveled by a swipe of the monsters tail.

Izuku stood there, the person that mattered most to him other than his mother and sister, gone.

Izuku then was overcome with rage, he subconsciously went Demon cyborg mode and flew full speed at the monster. Breaking through its teeth. He then used all the Heat Energy his body could gather and incinerated the insides of Elder Centipede.

While the Insides were. Weakened he used his bat to puncture a hole in Elder Centipede's armor and was ejected out. The Stomach acid of elder centipede overriding Izuku's power made him fall to the ground limp.

All he saw next was Elder Centipede Regenerate and Rush for him.

'Its over huh. I'm gonna die to a fucking bug. I'll see you soon Momo.' He thought.

Then out of nowhere a figure appearing to be bald stood in front of Izuku. "It.. Cant.. Be." Izuku muttered.

The bald man reared his fist back and threw it forward completely annihilating Elder Centipede. His body fading out of existence like some weird dirty fireworks.

"Is... That.. Really.. You.... Saitama?" Izuku muttered out before falling unconscious.


~*End of Chapter*~

~If you could leave feedback please. Let me know if I have gotten better or not. You can be 100% honest.~

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