"Is that why you got hurt? Because of stain?"

I was getting overwhelmed again. I tried to shrink into my self but my damn stomach wouldn't let me do anything. Eventually dad made everyone back off and I calmed down. He went on explaining everything that happened and I just sat down on the side.

Shoto came over to me and we talked for sometime. Then the lunch bell rang and everyone left to change I went to the cafeteria to get my food since I didn't need to change. I got to the cafeteria and all the chatter stopped immediately. Everyone was staring at me. I didn't give it a second thought I just took my katsudon and started heading back to class, Shoto and I were gonna meet there.

Then the worst possible thing that could have happen, happened.

I got pulled into another fucking hallway

I was thrown against the wall near the stairs, my stomach hurt like a bitch, It hit the side of the railing. Then someone put their arms on the sides of my head.

"You 1A students think you're so great, don't you"

I looked up and saw the blond kid from 1B. I think his name was Monoma.

(For those of you that like Monoma I'm really sorry, I like Monoma too its gor the plot)

"I'm sorry I-I don't un-understand", my wound was throbbing and I couldn't concentrate. "Aww does the spoilt brat have a stutter", he taunted. I got mad.

"What is your problem?", I asked, "my problem is that 1A gets alllll the attention but 1B is just left to rot"

"Are you talking about the villain attacks !? Do you think we enjoy all this 'attention'? No we fucking don't. Why don't you see if you like surviving 4 villain attacks, then you can talk. Don't act like having a near death experience is cool, it not. It's terrifying. I don't know anything about you but by the way you act I can tell you haven't been in a villain attack before."

He was surprised but he didn't look like he was gonna back off. He was about to retort but instead he kept quiet. Then he looked at me with these disgusting eyes. "You know you're pretty cute", I was horrified. I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't budge. I wasn't supposed to strain myself and the doctor said not to use my quirk.

He moved fast, he grabbed my hands and pinned against the wall. I tried squirming but my side really hurt. I think I opened it up again. I was about to scream for help but he put his hand on my mouth. I whimpered. I couldn't move, I couldn't make any noise.

He took his hand off my mouth and lifted my chin up so I was facing him. He started leaning forward and kissed me. I cried.

I kept my mouth closed.

I didn't move.

I didn't make a noise.

I probably looked like a statue. The only thing that made me look like a living being were the tears rolling down my face.

He broke the kiss for two seconds and looked at me, he smirked and leaned in again. I winced as he grabbed my waist.

He was about to kiss me again when someone punched him.

He stumbled off me and looked up, there was a bruise forming on his face.

"Don't touch my sister ever again", Toshi spat, he pulled Monoma up by his shirt collar and punched him two more times before he wrestled out of his grip. He looked at Toshi with disgust, then he clicked his tongue and walked away.

I slid down to the floor. I was really tired for some reason. I got up but stumbled, Toshi caught me and we left for the teachers lounge.

"Are you okay?", he asked,"yeah, I'm just tired and my head feels kinda fuzzy. thanks for helping me back there" he nodded. When we reached the teachers lounge I laid on the couch, Toshi got me coffee and I took it gratefully.

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