Chapter 44

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I showered and got dressed in comfy close. Before I made it out I had DATE scan my body to see if I was injured and once I saw I was all good I headed to the living room.

Sam, Bucky and Natasha where down there sitting on the couch and watching tv.

I noticed how Sam and Natasha where both now dressed in their regular clothes.


I went to sit next to them on the couch and watch the tv. I sat next to Bucky but not too close and I noticed Sam looking at smirking at both of us.

I just glared at him shaking my head slightly trying to get him to look away.

"What's with you guys ?" Nat says noticing my manner towards Sam.

"Nothing," we both say simultaneously looking confused and shaking our heads.

She just turns away and continues to watch the tv.

I turn to look at him furiously and he mouths 'sorry'.

As it begins to get late Nat turns in and goes to her room leaving Sam, Bucky and I in the living room alone.

"God- would you quit it?!" I snap as soon as I know Nat's gone.

"What?!" He questions looking offended.

"You keep making faces and people are going to start to question our friendship."

"Wait! guys are?"

"Yes," I say sighing.

"I knew it!"

"Would you be quiet?!" I whisper shout.

"Sorry..but aren't you with .." he says not continuing hesitating cautiously.

"Cole? No. We never started."

"What? I thought you guys where together?"

"We've been seeing each other but it's not what you think," I say making him look even more confused.
"Look it's a lot to explain right now but I'll tell you later. Just please promise you won't tell anyone. Please," I pleaded to him. It really wasn't a matter of not wanting people to know but for the sake of hanging out with Cole for my plan with Steve.

"Ok. I promise."

"Thank you," Bucky said.

"Wait how long though?" He questions using his pointer fingers on his hands to point at both of us before colliding them with a smirk.

"Two weeks." Bucky says.

"What?!" Same shouts really loud.

"Oh. My. God." I say feeling really good about punching him right now.

"Would you keep it down," Bucky told him looking as annoyed as I do now.

"How could you be together for about a week and not tell me," he said but more to Bucky than me.

"Well- I didn't want people to find out and you haven't exactly been low-key about it," Bucky told him.

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