Chapter 39

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Jane's POV

"So just steady it like this and make sure obviously that your hand isn't shaking so you can hit it," Bucky instructs me on how to shoot properly.

I protested for a while , he was shooting and we talked but then I gave in before it started getting dark.

"Okay so now what?" I question.

"Now you shoot," he says with a chuckle.

I shoot and miss.

I try again and miss yet again.

"Like this," he says coming up next to me about to grab my arms.

"Can I?" He asks hesitating.

I nodded understanding what he meant.

He starts lifting my arms properly.

"You have to angle the gun like this," he says softly guiding my arms higher then how they originally where.

I feel my stomach burn from the closeness.

"Then just hold the gun like this," he says also placing my hands on the gun the correct way.

"And now?" I ask softly.


I do as he says and I shoot and hit the target.

"Ohhh," I say I'm excitement. "I did it," I say turning to him smiling.

"Yep," he says still close to me with a smirk.

I didn't realize how close he was to me as I start to look into his eyes. He's staring at me so intensely with a smile on his face that it feels like he looking right through me. I darted my eyes to his lips getting closer and before I knew it I was kissing him.

He seemed caught off guard but he didn't stop it. He grabbed my face softly and started kissing me more passionately. The kiss was getting a bit heated before he broke it and turned away from me.

"No no we-we can't keep doing this," he says sounding frustrated.

"Why not?" I question. I can't keep denying the feelings I've been getting for him. I've stayed up for the last couple nights wondering why I've been feeling this way and trying to accept it. Pushing it away has only caused me to be confused but I'm not anymore.

It's become more apparent now then ever that I have some feelings for him and kissing him has been amazing and I didn't want to stop.

"B-Because it's wrong.." he said frantically.

"What? Do you not like me?"

"No! No," he says turning back at me making it very apparent that that isn't the reason why.

"Okay then why? Is it because I'm not that great of an Avenger?" I ask trying to think of any reason why he would not want to kiss me. I thought he must think I'm a sorry excuse for an Avenger, that I lack strength and that probably doesn't interest him.

"No it's not that," he says sighing.

"Then what is it? Is it Tony?"

"No," he says raising his voice a bit. "Maybe..." he finally admits.

" don't have to worry about him I can talk to him I-," I say trying to think of how to reassure him until I realize how much people have been stepping in and give their own opinions about my relationship with Bucky when I'm clearly capable of handling my own relationships without others deciding what's best for me.
"I'm old enough to make my own decisions, alright?! Not Tony or Steve or anything else is going to tell me what to do so you don't have to worry about it."

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