The box

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Blue and dust walked into a large rectangular dining room, there was a table that stretched from one end of the room to the other end, leaving a few metres for the door, there was twenty seats each side, complete with a plate and set of utensils, along with an empty wineglass, one set for each seat, it looked untouched by time.

There were several large and broken chandeliers on the ceiling that looked like they were going to snap off at any moment, shattered glass from the missing pieces of the chandeliers were scattered around the table, there was also a large painting of a family, a husband, wife, and child, but their faces were ripped out, and their bodies were also barely visible due to the words "I'm here too you just can't see me" written all over the painting in red.

There were several thin tall windows along one wall, but the glass was missing, blue watched the red curtains sway with the small gusts of wind, the moonlight shined through the windows.

Dust: I don't think it's in here.

Dust positioned himself on top of the table for leverage.

Blue: dust be careful, there's glass there.

Dust: it's fine, I've suffered worse.

Blue noticed a door on the opposite end of where they came in.

Blue: I'm gonna go check that out.

Dust: alright, let me know if you see anything.

Blue walked towards the door, it was a plain grey colour and had a circular window, he pushed open the door and looked around, judging by the rack of chef hats, blue assumed this was the chefs kitchen, there were loads of different cooking stations around the room.

Blue: whoa, this place is so cool.

Blue looked around at all the different appliances, he loved how everything looked so clean and shiny, despite being abandoned for many years.

While he was investigating, something fell onto the floor, blue was alerted by a loud clang.

Blue: ah!

He shined his torch to where he through the sound came from, it was just a knife.

Blue: oh, don't you know it's dangerous to have knives on the floor? Some people are so foolish.

Blue walked over and picked it up, he went to put it back into the knife rack, but all the others were missing.

Blue: what the...I swear they were all here.

Blue jumped when he saw a knife speed just above his head and hit the wall in front of him, he turned around and saw all the knives levitating, they were all pointing at blue, almost as if they were looking at him.

Blue: o-okay blue, j-just stay calm, e-everything's fine.

Blue began to slowly make his way towards the exit, the knives continued to look at him as he moved, but as blue moved his hand towards the door, one of the knives shot at him, stabbing his glove and pinning it to the wall, narrowly missing his hand.


Blue tried to pull out the knife with his other hand, but another knife stabbed through his glove, also pinning that one to the wall, two more knives went into either side of his t-shirt, pinning his body down, he tried to move, but the knives were stabbed deep into the wall.

Blue: w-what's happening?! I-I can't move! Dust, help!

He tried to call dust for help by kicking the wall to make noise, but move knives were stabbed into his shorts, preventing his legs from moving.

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