Chapter 26: Logan

Start from the beginning

Since Brody lived with Dad, he got the brunt of all those changes. Once I turned eighteen, he was the only one I really saw once I visited there and I made a conscious effort that I was there every weekend I hadn't had an away game.

But I knew Dad, he never did anything without some kind of selfish agenda attached. There wasn't much that stopped him though.

me: Great.

I scoffed lightly at my phone and set it down in one of my truck's cup holders. Dad wasn't someone I'd kept close to after I left for college, but I called one of the people who was.

"Hi Sweetie!" Mom's voice chirped out over my radio as I pulled out of the stadium lot. By now, the sun had set and the overhead lights cast a yellowed glow over the pavement.

Since I came home every weekend from UCD that I could, I'd also helped when Mom moved. She called the process 'self-empowering,' but I think the extra house space had made her lonely. She never dated, just kept her bowling friends group and centered her life around Brody's.

"Hey Mom," I replied more sullenly than I felt comfortable admitting.

"What's wrong?" I practically heard the frown in her voice. "I'm sorry Brody and I won't be able to come see you play this Saturday."

"Nothing to see," I spat out bitterly. "I'm not starting. Tried my best."

"Then that's all you can do, really." she assured me. "Keep working hard like I know you have been. Remember Coach Peterson wanted you specifically?"

"Right," I replied absently and turned a few blocks in the direction of our apartment building.

"It was for a reason," she replied. "Just be patient, stick to his plan. Good things will happen and you'll be on fire."

"Mom, it's just... never mind" I rolled my eyes at her motivational pep talk attempt. "Thanks though."

"How's Ellie?" She shifted topics while I pulled into a parking spot for our apartment building.

"Good, I guess." I shrugged although Mom couldn't see me. "I'm glad to be around her again."

"Me too, she's a good influence for you. Are you being respectful?" she probed.

I snorted softly. "Trying to."

"Good," she said simply. "That girl's been through enough. Is she there?"

"Driving back." I shut off my truck and grabbed my phone with zero intentions that I'd hold the call on so she embarrassed me further with Ellie.

For all I know she's already called Ellie directly already.

"Give her my love then," Mom's voice sounded like she'd smiled. "Miss you both. Call me after your game, we'll be following it."

"Okay." We said our goodbyes, then hung up.

Just like every night I'd come home from practice, the homey, pleasant-food smell in the hallway pulled me out of my thoughts. Tonight, I pushed aside thinking about football and Dad then entered the apartment.

I put my bag away in the front closet like normal, but what I saw after a few steps stopped me right inside the kitchen's opening. My stomach clenched as tightly as my fist that crumpled up my water bottle, my jaw hinged open, and I swear even my balls dropped in my pants.

Ellie stood, hinged halfway over while she dug something out of the fridge. Her ass and legs, which I saw every inch of from a side view, looked amazing in her tight, black leggings. They molded to her skin and the black color against the white backdrop from the refrigerator's light left no curve unnoticed, especially the dip in between her inner thighs where her other hand rested.

I Hate Football Players 3 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now