Chapter 79 Brothers in arms

Start from the beginning

"Send us where is needed most," Cassius spoke, "we will fight."

Cyrus turned to him and looked at him seriously. "You need to know there are men from Vertalis fighting alongside Balor. Both lord Vertus and lord Atoli have betrayed us. They have been conspiring with the enemy. Anyone that surrenders will be taken prisoner. Who does not, will share Balor's fate."

The men hissed and looked at each other with shared anger. "Traitors?" Alcaeus spat.

"Did they instigate the attack on Boncini?" Ignisius asked angrily.

"They stood by as our men at the fort were slaughtered?" Theron growled.

"Fear not," Cassius spoke icily, "we will avenge our comrades. We show no mercy to traitors."

Darius pointed at the map. "We are positioned here, here and here. Then there is the fort in Zeir. We need to strengthen our forces here and here. How many can you send out immediately?"

"As soon as the horses are rested," Cassius said, "we rode hard t get here. How many do you require we sent out?"

Darius thought a moment. "Three hundred here. And another three hundred to the North border. The rest can remain here for now. I would appreciate if you appoint several messengers in each group that can ride back and forth so we can relive the ones that have been charged with the task before."

"Of course," Cassius nodded.

Darius looked at Cyrus. "Will this be right by you as well?"

Cyrus nodded. "Proceed as instructed."

"Your Highness," Cassius bowed. He bowed again at Darius. "King Darius."

His men followed his example and they left the tent together to relay the new instructions.

Darius sighed and ran a hand across his face. So many lives depended on him and how he distributed his soldiers. Lives of men from other nations, his own family.

This was part of being king he could do without.

"We will win this war," Cyrus stated calmly. He too felt the pressure of this burden. One careless decision could result in many deaths. It wasn't a responsibility he was eager for. "Lord Strega's men are hardened soldiers. We have the strength in numbers now."

Darius nodded solemnly. "Yes, but they have knowledge on their side. Who knows how much information they have gathered over the years? What they know of our strategies?" Perhaps there were traitors amongst them even now. He sighed. "Prince Cyrus, will you take over command for the time being?" He needed rest.

"Of course," Cyrus nodded, "if anything requires your attention I'll send Torcan to you."

Darius inclined his head. After the had rested, he'd tell Cyrus to do the same. There was no telling how long this battle would last. They couldn't afford to be careless and get caught by surprise. They needed to strike first and strike hard.

And put an end to this once and for all.


Ophelia sighed and set her book aside. Waiting for news was dreadful and stressful. Word had reached her that her father had also sent out men to the border. She herself wished he had allowed her to ride with them until Boncini so she could visit Vara, but he had forbidden it, claiming Boncini was too close to the border. He wouldn't risk his daughter.

So instead, Ophelia had decided to visit Ariane, who was also eagerly awaiting news. The two women might not be friends exactly, but they had found common grounds with their husbands being close.

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