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Alina moves towards the vacant place. She continuously checks the location from the document she is having.

"41 degrees and 24 minutes to north...yes I am near!", Alina chirped as she glanced her surrounding.

A railway line was laid on the vacant place, which was passing through the tunnel. The eerie tunnel was looking dark, and the night only enhanced it's darkness. Alina glanced the shining stars.

As if it was a symbol, no soon she looked at sky, a crackling voice of thunder was heard. The tunnel was enlighten with the echo of lightning. But no darkness, no thunder, no lightning could scare her today.

She started moving towards the tunnel and suddenly a loud noise of thunder is heard, as if warning her. But she kept on moving. Suddenly it started raining heavily.

The thunder, lightning, rain, echoes, darkness, and black clouds all these twirled and a bright flash is seen in the tunnel by Alina. She ran towards the flash, though the surrounding gave her a feeling of nausea. As she went nearer, her stomach churned and she felt unwell, but it was too late to back out.

She put forth the last step and .............

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