Jack The Daughter

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The little servant then saw that Y/n's shirt was lifted slightly, revealing some old surgical scars. She then looked down at her own abdomen and saw a more rough-looking scar in roughly the same place.

Ophelia watched as the servant then proceeded to rest her head back on Y/n's lap.

A few minutes passed before Y/n woke up with a start. A cold sweat dripped down his face as he looked around.

Arthur walked over and knelt in front of his master.

Arthur: "Is everything alright? You seem distressed."

Y/n: "I- It's nothing. Bad memories is all. This ain't exactly my first trip to London after all."

Y/n shuddered slightly as memories returned to him.

Arthur: "If I could be so bold, I'd like to offer a suggestion."

Y/n: "Go ahead."

Arthur: "Perhaps you should face this memory of yours head-on."

Y/n thought for a minute before nodding. The place he remembered wasn't far from Jekyll's apartment anyway.

He then looked down and saw that the assassin servant was looking right up at him.

Y/n: "Looks like somebody decided to wake up, huh?"

???: "What happened to you, Papa?"

Y/n could feel his heart doing backflips at a trillion miles per second as she said that.

Y/n: "I- It's not something you really need to know about, uh..."

???: "Jack. We're Jack."

Arthur: "I believe there's a serial killer around here with that name."

Y/n: "Jack the ripper. So that's who you are?"

Jack nodded adorably before Y/n sat her up.

Y/n: "First thing's first. You need actual clothes, young lady."

Y/n used his denial of nothingness to manifest some new clothes for the mini murder-machine. She took them to where the bathroom was and got changed before coming back into the room.

Jack: "These feel comfy."

Ophelia: "I'm surprised you're so trusting of her, Y/n

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Ophelia: "I'm surprised you're so trusting of her, Y/n."

Y/n: "I think Raikou's had an effect on her. The perks of having a motherly berserker I suppose."

Ophelia laughed lightly as Jack plopped herself onto the couch between Y/n and Raikou.

Zhuge Liang and Jekyll then walked into the room.

Jekyll: "Ah, you two are awake. Good, there's something I need to check if that's okay with you."

Y/n: "Sure, Gudao and Gudako can stay here. Whaddya need?"

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