Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty Three

Harry's POV

1 week before graduation

Today I got up and I was in a really good mood. It was a Saturday, and it marked one week until I was out of the hellhole that people like to call High School. The year had dragged on and was awful, for the most part. I broke up with Louis 1 week into the school year, tried to kill myself, got together with one of my bandmates, and so much more. Today Blaze and I were going to hang out at his house. We had been dating for 4 months.

"Bye mom!" I called out while walking out the door.

"Bye Harry!" she called back.

We had gotten way closer this year. Tomorrow was the day that we were going to go to brunch and talk about what's been going on. This was a new tradition that we started a few weeks into the school year.

Once I got to Blaze's house, I let myself in and went into the kitchen. He was standing in front of the fridge peeling an orange.

"Hey!" he said.

"Hi man." I replied. We weren't like one of those lovey dovey couples that made out 20 times a day and held hands while walking down the street. We were more casual. We did make out, but we always did it in private.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Hang here for a bit. Maybe go outside since it's nice? I was thinking we could go downtown and get ice cream or something." he responded.

"Sounds perfect." I said.

We had been sitting outside on his patio for a few hours. We were just listening to music and talking.

"I can't believe you're graduating in a week." he said.

"Me neither. You're graduating soon, too." I replied.

"Then after that it's off to college."

"Yep. I'm so excited to go to Manchester."

"I'll miss you, though."

"I will, too. We won't be too far apart." Blaze was going to University of Liverpool, which is about 45 minutes away from University of Manchester.

I went home about 2 hours later. I had some homework I wanted to do, and a few orders to catch up on. I ended up going to sleep right around midnight. 

sidelines - larry stylinsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon