Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

Louis's POV

The rest of the day was a drag. I went through it like normal, but I felt a weight on my shoulders. I felt really bad for cheating on Harry, but it was a new weight. I think it had to do with what Olly said at lunch.

He didn't want his senior year to be ruined.

I love the lad, but sometimes he can be a bit selfish. I know that I was the one that ruined the group. I knew it'd come with a cost, but I didn't think the friend group breaking up would be it. We were very tightly knitted, we didn't have groups within the group. It weighed on me until dinner. I hadn't told my family about Harry and I, nor me and Liam. My sisters would freak, they love Harry. I knew I had to tell them sooner rather than later, but I couldn't bring myself to doing it.

"How was your day?" My dad asked, when I sat down at the table.

"Fine. Kinda boring." I replied.

"Where's Harry been?" My little sister, Daisy, asked.

I knew this would come up, and I had to face it.

I cut off a piece of the roast we were eating and chewed it for a while, procrastinating answering.

"I broke up with him." I said, brutally honest.

Everyone was shocked.

"Why? You guys seemed so happy together." My dad responded.

"He was, but I wasn't. I am the one to blame, though. I cheated on him."

They were shocked again.

"With who?" My dad asked.

"Liam." I blatantly said.

"Like the shy one you're friends with?" My sister, Lottie, asked.

"Yes, that one."

"I never knew he was into guys." My dad said.

"I never did, either, until I was dared to kiss him."

"Keep going." Lottie said.

"It was all of us at a party. The guys were ridiculously drunk, and I was sure they wouldn't remember a thing. Liam and I had a few drinks, but nothing much. Harry wasn't in the room. I think he had gone home. We were playing truth or dare, and I got dared to kiss Liam. I was reluctant to at first, but got egged on by the guys. I told myself it would be a one-time thing. That fell through, obviously. We kissed, and I really enjoyed it. None of the guys remembered. We kept seeing each other. I would tell Harry I had 'practice'. Since practice has such a weird schedule, he didn't suspect a thing. It kept going for a few weeks, until he walked in on us kissing in the bathroom on Monday."

"Never thought my son would be a cheater, but here we are." My dad said. I knew he was joking, though. 

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