Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

Louis's POV

Lunch. I've been dreading this moment since Monday. Awkward was an understatement. It was very uncomfortable. We were at a round table, and clockwise, it was Harry at noon, Olly, Niall, Liam, myself, Zayn, and Nick. It stayed silent for a few minutes.

"I know some of us aren't as close as we used to be, but could we stay together until we graduate? I don't want our senior year to be ruined." Olly said.

"My senior year has already been ruined. I don't think it can get much worse at this point. I'd love to stay friends, but someone just had to fuck it up." Harry said, getting up and leaving.

"Harry wait-" Olly said.

"Bye Olly." Harry said, walking away and throwing up his middle finger in the process. 

Harry's POV

I needed to get out of there. As much as I didn't want to do this, I decided it was best. I was going to be the cliche outcast that eats lunch in the bathroom. I walked in there, immediately regretting my decision. I heard snogging coming from a stall, and said stall was unlocked, so I took a look inside. It was Max, the school's biggest douche, and Aiden, the homophobe, making out.

"That's something I never thought I'd see. Get a room!" I said. They both had wide eyes and were blushing.

"P-Please don't tell anyone about this." Aiden stammered.

"Too bad." I replied, pulling out my phone.

"What are you doing?" Max asked.

"Check twitter." I replied.

They both gulped. I was never the type to bully, but I couldn't help myself.

I had tweeted, 'Caught Aiden and Max snogging in the bathroom outside the caf. Come see for yourself, the bulges will last a little while.'

"No you didn't." Aiden said.

"Oh yes I did." I replied, smirking. I walked out, and went back to the table. I wasn't eating in there. It's gross, and I didn't want to deal with the sounds of making out.

The rest of the guys were surprised I was back.

"Where were you?" Zayn asked.

"Check Twitter, it will explain it all." I replied.

Did I feel bad? A bit. Was it funny? Hell yeah. I meant it when I said today was going to be interesting. 

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