five | small steps

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episode five | small steps
episode four

For a barmaid, who is usually the one serving drinks, Neave can't help but shot the burning liquid as it comes. She's exhausted; they hadn't slept yet since traveling through the Fold overnight and then walking to the local town of Kribirsk. Neave's feet ache that matched her heart.

But they were in East Ravka, where Neave had been born.

Yet, she didn't feel like celebrating when Annette Ninomae was dead. It felt like an anchor inside herself, where she felt like she was sinking with the only thing keeping her going was the thought of finding out her mother's story. Whether Neave had anyone left, she wasn't sure, but the ghosts were starting to surround her.

The feeling of that left her shaking as she longed for another shot, but knew she needed to keep a sharp mind with Kaz watching her closely. Instead of another drink, Neave took a roll that Inej was eating with the belief that the dough would soak up the alcohol and ease her growling stomach.

"So..." Jesper summed up, clutching his drink. "That went well."

Neave flinched at the words, knowing that was far from the case. Screams filled her ears once more, along with the screeching from the Volcra and the almost exposure of Neave's hidden talent. It was a complete disaster, but somehow they had survived, and that seemed as much as a miracle as the Sun Summoner.

"Never again," Neave vowed.

"Alright for some," Jesper said, shooting her a look, where Neave still planned on not returning to Ketterdam. But... she wasn't sure, yet. Ketterdam offered her the protection of fleeing wherever, but here there was nothing keeping her to stay so far and it felt far more dangerous.

"The Little Palace winter fete," the Conductor was already focused on the next part, untrusting that Kaz had a way for them to get inside. "There's just no way he can find a way to the Sun Summoner without Nina," then he picked up the leaflet. "Especially during this ridiculous party. The place will be crawling with Second Army."

"We're in luck," Kaz announced, finally joining them. "There's a good chance we can crack on. Now that we're three days' travel from the capital, the next play is finding a way inside the Little Palace. It turns out the Kribirsk archives house the Little Palace blueprints."

"How convenient," Neave interrupted, struggling to contain her smile at what was about to come.

"But," Kaz shot her a look. "They're kept under lock and key. Far from the prying eyes of the masses."

Jesper banged the table and then fisted his hand in celebration. "Yes!"

"What does that mean?" The Conductor questioned.

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