Alcaeus's Dungeon part 4

Start from the beginning

Fionn:" wait, you mean all the guardian's could have let us pass and you would have been fine with that"

Alcaeus:" oh come on guy's, I said they had to agree, anything past that is on them"

then all the people who Alcaeus dragged to the floor's then came in a fury as they were going to battle him, and upon battling him, they find he has 5 break bar's and his HP is as it is in-game, however, now all his attack's and defenses have all his skill's constantly active, so he might as well have his hp in the million's as you need a combo of one servant to even hurt him once, and worse yet, his debuff's are constantly active as well, so no skill's this time, but don't worry, all you need to do to pass is to last more than 5 turns, which is WAY harder than it seems.

Alcaeus:" see master, without your servant's skill's and Noble Phantasm's, you all hopeless"

Fiona:" is this what you wanted to teach them"

Alcaeus:" FIONA, you're here my flower"

Fiona:" hello hun, tell me, why did you go to such lengths anyway"

Alcaeus:" to have master see how reliant he's become in 3 turn farming and skill stacking over actual strategy and planning, I needed to put him in a situation where he would need to rely on his calculator skill's and battle tactic's over skill stacking and all that"

Fiona:" I understand what you mean, and for that, I will kindly battle you myself now, come Christine, we're taking down the king"

Christine:" yes your majesty"

as these 2 enter, Alcaeus's buff's are gone and the 2 battle him, their is one catch with his debuff's, they don't affect his wives, so if you summoned any of Alcaeus's wives, they will be immune to his debuff's, his break bar's are going down fast as Alcaeus is defeated, and as he is defeated, he then shows them where the computers are and they all destroy the compute's in its entirety, stopping the process completely.


Solomon:" this was one of the most time consuming and stressful thing's in the world"

Alcaeus:" well, good on all of you, and with one day to spare, don't worry, it's all over now, my event went off exactly how I wanted it to, at least, until my wife intervened"

Fiona:" I want in next time from the beginning, then I'll play your way"

Alcaeus:" don't worry, there's always the re-run event"

Ritsuka:" oh, and just out of curiosity, what was the last punishment we had to go through to get here"

Alcaeus:" oh, an entire concert with all the Liz's and Nero duet you have to listen to for 10 straight hour's as you were all strapped down and gagged so you can only hear their voices as they sing, and Liz has her old voice for this"

Elizabeth:" that doesn't sound so bad"

upon hearing this, everyone cried as they may have dodged a bullet, but worse yet, they had to go through all this again, and this time, it will be even harder than ever before now, and Alcaeus made it far worse by reassured them they WILL have to preform the catch of each floor to pass it like last time, and can't just pass on through like they did this time by making his wife or any of his wives excluded from the catches themselves, he said it was namely to show how far they would go and also a little treat for master since he got a good show as all the women tried to kill him as they were still embarrassed about that, most of them didn't care and wanted to show Master that (Kiyohime) but the rest were angry, but for the most part, they all dreaded this event.

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