Dividing paths

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Once the door was shut, the queen began talking "First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I am Mirellia Q Melromarc, the queen of this nation. I already know of you, Y/n, my daughter Melty's personal guard and companion." I nodded "yeah, what is this whole meeting about?" Mirellia nodded "right to business it seems, very well. I wish to thank you for killing the Pope of the Three Heroes Church, and I want to reward you for your efforts in both that and the protection of the crowned princess." I sighed "I don't need to be rewarded for either of those things. I am Melty's friend so it is natural for me to try to protect her. And it technically wasn't me that killed the Pope...." Melty frowned "Y/n. you shouldn't just turn down rewards from her majesty" I sighed again "No, it's proper for me to turn down a reward. I have done nothing that is worthy of a reward, especially one from the queen of a nation." Mirellia smiled "alright then, allow me to reward you as the mother of Melty. It isn't a reward from a queen, but a reward from a thankful mother." "I can't accept that either, if anything you should be angry at me. I had lost control of myself and injured my party member. If I didn't regain control then, I would have hurt more people around me, even Mel. And right now, I don't know if I can keep control of myself for long." Melty frowned "That's why you're leaving?" "Yes, I could take you with me as soon as I'm sure I am completely in control" Mirellia sighed and set an object on the table "you may not be accepting any rewards, but you should at least accept this." I looked at the thing, seeing that it was a sort of badge "what is that" Mirellia spoke again "it is your badge, It is to identify you as a royal guard, more specifically the guard of Melty. This way you will not have any issues coming to the castle, and it should exempt you from the tolls of travelling." I frowned "you would still consider me Melty's guard?" she nodded "you have not harmed my daughter or allowed harm to come to her. You have proven to be a trustworthy person, even with the curses that are plaguing you" 

I picked up the badge and put it in my pocket, sighing and looking at the time. "I guess I will meet you both again, hopefully soon. I need to get going now or Fitoria will be upset at me." The Queen quickly stood up after I said that "Did you just say Fitoria?!" I stared at her for a moment before piecing it together "oh, I guess you are just as obsessed with Filolial as your daughter." Mirellia looked over at Melty "Have you met her as well?" Melty nodded and spoke "yes, it was wonderful, she is as amazing as the stories say, even more so." The two started to converse excitedly about the Filolial queen as I slowly exited the room. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice me leave. After I had gotten outside I headed out to the forest where I would meet Fitoria. 

Fitoria was sitting on a log, kicking her legs back and forth. She looked over at me, frowning "You're late" I sighed and shook my head "I was held back a bit by the queen of this country. sorry to keep you waiting" She hopped off the log and walked up to me "Is Mel-tan joining us?" "not yet, I will come back to pick her up later." She nodded and grabbed onto my hand "We will be going to the dragon hour glasses first so that you can see when Waves will be starting" I nodded and looked down at her "Why are you holding my hand?" She held my hand tighter "It's so I can teleport you with me" the scenery around us changed to another forest quickly. I sighed and looked around "Hey Fitoria." "what is it" "You can let go of my hand now you tsundere." I felt my hand start getting crushed more "I don't know what that word means, but it angers me" I chuckled and pat her head with my free hand "well if you let go of my hand I won't call you it again" The pressure on my hand let up as she turned away "It's not like I wanted to hold your hand or anything" It took all of my mental and physical strength to hold in a laugh, as I pat her head more "okay okay, what country are we in right now?" Fitoria looked at me "does it matter?" I nodded "It does, countries have different laws on what people can be around." She frowned and nodded "You don't have to worry about that. This dragon hourglass is in an uninhabited continent. There may not be any humans here, but it is just as important in order to protect the world." I nodded and looked around "where is the dragon hourglass?" She pointed in a direction "There should be an abandoned temple in that direction" I nodded and started walking in the direction she pointed to, with her following after me. 

The Redemption of The Chain Hero (TROTSH x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz