Chapter seventeen: A hidden savior

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Artwork credit goes to Lilac on Pinterest. Thank you all for 1K views!!!! I hope this book will be done soon. I might (MIGHT) write a sequel to Saving Hybrids but that's up for debate. If you want a sequel, just put it in the comments. <3

Wilbur POV:





I don't know how long it has been, but I've been stuck in this cocoon for so long. Every once in a while, I will sip the air and eat it. It tastes like absolutely nothing, but at least I'm living. I hope I can get out of here soon. Right now, I'd rather just sleep...

Niki POV:

It had been a few weeks since Tubbo had come back with all the Hybrids. Most of them had moved out and had their own homes. Only a few remained at Phil and Jschlatt's houses. I think me and Ranboo might be extending our welcome but when we asked Phil, he said it was fine and that he loved having guests. Recently I had seen Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy playing a lot together. They looked so happy like that.

I was starting to get worried about Wilbur. He had been trapped in the wind cocoon (Ranboo told Niki about that sometime in between the last chapter and this one.) for almost a month. So, we have decided to go look for him ourselves today. The only problem was that we didn't know how to get Wilbur out of the air cocoon.

So now me and Ranboo are waiting at the door for Phil to get back from hunting with Techno.

Time Skip!

"Ranboo look! There they are!" I yell pointing out to two people coming from the forest.

"Hey guys, what are you doing waiting here?" Phil asked as he and Techno made it to the door.

"Well," Ranboo started to fiddle with his fingers a little bit. Suddenly rain started to pour from the sky and Ranboo dashed inside trying to not get hurt. "Can we finish this inside?" He asked peeking his head out just a little from the door.

"Sure," Phil said chuckling, while Techno went into the house to skin the huge lamb they caught for dinner. (Wow a lot of details, go me!)

Phil sat down on the couch in the living room while me and Ranboo took chairs. "So," he said pressing his hands together to make it look like a conference. "What did you guys want to say before?"

"Oh-yeah about that," Ranboo begun glancing at me for help.

"We want to rescue Wilbur, but we don't know where he is, or how to break the air cocoon." I cut in saving Ranboo. "Do you know of anyway?"

Phil sat up unclasping his hands surprised. "Yeah, I think I might. Follow me," he says standing up and walking down the hall.

I quickly get up and follow him and Ranboo to a room that looks like a school from what I can tell. I've never been to a school before because well, I'm a hybrid. Phil sits down at the biggest desk and motions for us to take a seat.

Ranboo grabs a chair near the front, and I sit next to him. A few of the kids come into the room including Tubbo, Tommy, and Fundy. There are a bunch more Hybrids who I don't know the name of.

"Ahem," Phil clears his throat. "Welcome to Hybrid class. Last class we did math today we are doing research on Air cocoons and Air Lings."

I glance at Ranboo seeing he is just a shocked as me. Phil was teaching us about Air Lings in a class for Hybrids. This was going to be fun!

Ok the truth is I just REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to write a part of the story in which Phil teaches young Hybrids about things. It is going to be a long chapter for sure. I also just realized that I've been switching accidently between Air cocoon and Wind cocoon. It's called both things I just switch sometimes on accident. Ignore it.

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