Chapter fifteen: A burnt hope

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Art credit goes to Toasted Bees? on Tumblr

Karl POV:

After telling Phil and Techno we ran back to the facility sending Ranboo, Niki, and George home. Phil tried to get Tommy to go home but he refused saying it was his best friend and he wasn't leaving. 

We made it back to the facility and right there is the middle of the field was a body. TOmmy ran over to it checking to see if it was who we think.






The green shirt of Tubbo.

And a burnt hope.


Tubbo POV:

(I might of lied the chapter isn't over, Tubbo isn't dead.)

I watched as Ranboo teleported back with a pink-haired girl. It must be Niki. I reach out to follow them to the hiding spot but then I feel a pair of hand grab me and cover my eyes and mouth with a cloth.

I wake up in a white room with a white shirt and white pants. I look around.

I must be in the facility. I hope they come back for me. I see the door open quietly. I look around for a person. No one is even there. Why-?

An invisible hand grabs my wrist, and the small metal cuff falls off. I didn't even realize that was there. Small red lights flash in the corner of the white room and a voice whisper. "Hurry! The alarms have gone off!" 

The invisible being (Or what I hope is an invisible being.) pulls me out of the room and through a giant hole in the wall. 

"Stay here." The voice instructs. I nod my head. Who is this? Next thing I know hybrids are spilling out of the facility all of them bloody and hurt. From the crowd a boy with black hair and small blue things (Diamonds?) on his skin pulls me over to a tree. 

"I can't explain things to you except that my friend is breaking everyone out of here, and they all need a place to stay. Do you happen to know one? We saw your friends and you in the battle beforehand. You should have a place, right?" He said really quickly. 

"Yeah, I do! They can all come! Oh-also I'm Tubbo nice to meet you." I say excited. Wait until Tommy sees how many new friends I brought! There's a bunch of kids in the crowd, as well as adults.

"My father and brother and sister won't mind and I'm sure my friend's family won't either!" I say happily as the boy nods and signals to the rest of the group that we're going letting me lead. 

Time skip lol

I pear through the bushes almost 100 hybrids following me. The blue boy from earlier came back with a brown-haired boy and a black-haired boy. The first one, with brown hair, had cat ears and a tail, and the second had black skin, red horns, a tail, and wings. 

"Hi!" I wave to them. "I'm Tubbo nice to meet you."

The cat boy smiles and introduces himself and his friends. "I'm Antfrost and this is Skeppy, and Bad." He points at the blue boy and then the devil-Ish one.

Bad waves and Skeppy rolls his eyes. "Whatever. We need to keep moving. Is your place close?"

I nod a bit nervous. Why is he so mean? Bad sees my expression and tries to explain. "Oh, Skeppy's just a bit frustrated at the moment. He's usually much nicer." My eyes widen at his voice.

"You're the one from the white room!" I speak. "But... you were invisible?" 

"It's just a thing I can do." Bad says still smiling. I shrug it off planning to ask Phil later what hybrids can do that.

 I turn back to the bushes pushing them aside.

"My home!" I declare proudly turning around and displaying the two neighboring mansions next to the lake.

End of chapter for real.

So in this AU I imagine that Phil and Jschlatt, for some reason, both have big wooden mansions that they live in. My thoughts are that they built them. IDK how the humans haven't found them 'cause of the size just go with it.

I should probably say what Antfrost, Bad, and Skeppy are.

Antfrost: (Age 17.) Antfrost is a cat hybrid. They have night vision and are usually nocturnal. They can be any type of cat, but Antfrost is a Siamese cat. In human form they usually have their cat-type ears and tail. They have an excellent sense of smell and can jump very high always landing on their feet. They can disguise themselves as a regular street cat, like dog hybrids. 

Skeppy: (Age 17.) Skeppy is a jewel hybrid. That means he can become any jewel, but usually the type they are born as is the type of jewel the hybrid stays as. Skeppy is a diamond jewel hybrid. He can make his skin turn in pure diamond making it impossible for anything to hurt him. (He could jump off a cliff and be fine.) Usually, he has small diamonds covering his skin and the color of their jewel is their eye color, so Skeppy's eyes are blue. (IK they aren't really just for this story though.) He can summon diamond from the earth and his skin diamonds are very valuable. 

Bad: (Age 18. Just go with it -_-) He's a devil hybrid (NOT A DEMON HYBRID. THAT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT!) which means that he has power over destruction. I don't want to go into the specifics except that his magic can be harvested and is extremely dangerous when that happens. He is usually in his main form and can turn into a regular-looking human with the exception of his tail, wings, and horns. 

Byeeeeeeeeeee untill next chapter. 

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