Chapter ten: There's a Racoon in my face

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Art credit goes to r/Nihachu friend on reddit. (They said their friend made it. IDK who their friend it.) This chapter should be medium length. Sorry for the short chapters lately I've been tired. Also there isn't gonna be a lot of Wilbur chapters until he gets rescued because he basically just sits in the air cocoon. He does not starve because air cocoons are meant to keep their hostages alive. So he gets to eat magical air which I don't want to or care to explain. 

Ranboo POV:

Blackness. Pure blackness. I look down at Niki trapped in a water-filled small glass tank in a bright white room. A black hooded figure reaches to touch her chin whispering something. He grabs her hand harshly, and Niki winces at physical contact. Just then I realize there is blood all around her-her blood. But why is it red? It should be blue. I'll ask Wilbur once I wake up. Wait. Wilbur's trapped as well. I'm on my own. 

I wake up almost banging my head on someone's hand. I am in a big room made of wood with tons of windows. There is a small kid-around 10 maybe?-who has racoon ears, and a tail. He is pressing his eyes into my face. "Ahhh!" I screech teleporting to the other side of the room. The Racoon Hybrid wiggles his tail. Or what I think is a racoon Hybrid. 

"WHAT THE H*LL WAS THAT! HOW DID YOU GET FROM HERE TO THERE AND THEN THERE AND THEN HERE!" He said loudly as if his voice only had one volume setting. 

I throw my hands over my ears trying to not break my eardrums. An older man busts through the door. It's the same one from earlier. "Tommy, what did I say about yelling at people? He's clearly terrified." He shoves the boy out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Sorry about that, Tommy can be... a little reckless." That was an understatement from what I've seen. "I'm Phil by the way. What's your name?" 

"R-Ranboo," I murmur still shocked by Tommy. Phil sighs. "And this is why we don't allow Tommy in the rooms with our guests. I have no clue how he even got in here."

I laughed pointing to the broken lock on the door. Phil rolled his eyes. "I knew racoon's are great thieves but breaking locks? That's next level."

Tommy pops out from behind the door, "Actually I used one of your Bear Hybrid claws Phil." Just then a pig skinned, and pink haired older boy with tusks is running down the hall screaming bloody murder at Tommy with a dark black sword. Is it Netherite? 

"Tommy, I told you to leave them alone," He growls raising the sword. He looks at me and quickly lowers he sword instead deciding to grab Tommy by his ear. He pulls Tommy out of the room while Tommy is screaming curses at him. 

"Who was that?" I ask still a bit nervous. I don't know these people. 

"Oh, that was Techno my oldest son. He's a boar Hybrid." Phil explains. He looks down at my legs. "Uh, also do you happen to know what happened to your legs? I don't believe I've ever seen anything like this before and I don't know how to treat it." 

I look down the at water marks on my legs from the humans. I didn't really want to tell them about my legs and what I am, but Niki and Wilbur need help and these guys are Hybrids. I sigh deciding to explain. "I am an Endermen Hybrid. This marks water." I admitted.

Phil stared at me. He stared at me for a long time. "I thought Endermen Hybrids went extinct."

I shrug. "Apparently not cause I'm here."

"I'll grab the sh*t for your leg." Phil walks out of the room. These people seem nice. But time's running out. It could have been days since I knocked on their door. I am going to ask them for help when Phil comes back. 

Time skip just 'cause I'm evil

Ranboo POV:

I continue my pacing around the room that I had been doing since Phil had given me the Phoenix tears. Since then, Phil had given my lunch, but I didn't speak much. I really wanted to tell them but after Phil giving the Phoenix tears, I had fallen asleep again. So now I'm just pacing, thinking, pacing, repeating. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said seeing the door open. A pair of small hands grip one side tightly pushing open the door. A young kid maybe 13, steps in. He has messy blond hair and dark brown eyes. There is antenna sticking out of his head and translucent wings on his back. I know he's an insect hybrid, but I don't know which.

"Hey," He waves at me smiling. "I'm Tubbo." 

George POV:

A/N: After this, there is probably only going to be two or three of George's POV, sorry about that. Also, this POV is from a day ago in their time. It starts the day Niki gets kidnapped and ends the day Ranboo meets Tubbo. So, it's a two-day long POV, because Ranboo sleeps from the time he opens the door seeing Phil to the time there is a racoon in his face o.O 

I had just escaped from the humans. They had thrown a surprise attack and Wilbur got trapped in a bubble thing. Ranboo had disappeared. I had run into a hole and escaped through an old mineshaft. I found my way back to sewers a few hours later. Now I'm resting patching up a small scrape I got from a bullet that just barely missed me. 

I hope I find them soon. But for now I have to meet Dream in a few minutes. I climb out of the small entrance from the day before. Peering down at me when I reach the top is Dream's face. I jump back startled almost dropping down into the sewers but one of my hands is still holding on. I grab back onto the ladder clinging to it.

He was gonna go splat splat. But he didn't. I need to add more drama uhg but it's hard because you get attached to the characters and don't want anything bad to happennnnnnn. ARH.

Dream grabs my hand and pulls my up onto the ground smiling. "Scared you!" He smirks. I roll my eyes at him. 

"Whatever. We're looking for your friend, right? A blaze Hybrid named Sapnap?" 

"Yeah, I haven't seen him in a month." Dream shrugs it off. "I know you can find him though.

"Oh yeah? How?" I tease testing him.

"Because I know about that nose of yours," Dream shoots back taking out a red bandana. "Here," He hands me a bandana.

"What's this?" I ask generally curious. 

"That," Dream points to the bandana. "Is how you're going to track Sapnap."

I roll my eyes but just sniff the bandana. Small scent particles of bright orange are floating straight into the trees. "That way."

Time skip. It is now the next morning on the day Ranboo meets Tubbo, I will add a note when the time matches up. 

I jump up from my resting spot startling Dream. "What was that?" He says confused. 

"I think I found your friend." I mouth pointing at a nearby bush. Dream stands up and walks over whispering "Sapnap?"

Philza: (28 AU) I FORGOT TO ADD WHAT PHIL IS. Phil is a crow hybrid; they have big wings that can block explosions and stuff like arrows and swords. Basically, an invincible shield. They can also communicate to full-on crows. (The animal, not hybrid) They can also turn themselves into a full-on crow. Very good for disguise and spying. They have enhanced hearing and sight. 

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