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Hi! I am the author for the book, and I don't really expect to get many readers, but I hope I do! :) WARNING: There will be mention of Blood, Injury, Disrespect to others, and lil' bit of torturing.  Anyway, here is just a few of the characters, I will add more as we go along. also, my capitalization is terrible and so is my grammar feel free to correct me if I did something wrong.

Wilbur: (AGE 14) Wilbur is a Ghost Hybrid which means he can be invisible and pass-through walls. When in human form Wilbur has Gray-ish skin, and White eyes. Ghost hybrids can also turn into Phantom Hybrids if they get powerful enough. Phantom hybrids cannot be born, they have to be made. There is little known about them, except they are like a powerful version of the Ghost Hybrid.

Niki: (AGE 14) Niki is a Mermaid. she has pink hair and a long tail of any color varying on the type. If she is a freshwater mermaid her colors are usually coral pink, light blue, tangerine, and lemon green. if she is a saltwater mermaid her colors usually stay between sliver, black, dark blue, and purple. But Niki is an Ocean Tempt Mermaid which means she lives in the deepest parts of the ocean. They are usually the most powerful. with either, black, any color of blue, purple, and green, or sometimes yellow. mermaids and mermen need to at LEAST have between 10 to 15 glasses of water if they stay on land for longer than an hour. if not, their scales will fall off and they will die. they scale and tears are very valuable. their hair comes is various colors, but most mermaids no matter what the type will have pink or blue hair. Niki has a dark purple blue (midnight purple is what I call it) tail.

Ranboo: (AGE 13)Ranboo is a half-endermen half-unknown hybrid. because his other half is unknown, he can't access his powers from that half. but his enderman half gives him enough powers on its own. he can teleport, and if he gets powerful enough can use an ender star to destroy stuff for him. Endermen are usually tall, and babies are known to be 3ft when born. when in full form a grown enderman can reach a height of 18ft!!! Endermen in their human form are still very tall 6ft for teenagers and 10 for adults. thy have black skin and green or purple eyes. depends on the type. the more powerful Endermen will have green eyes, like Ranboo. their hands can touch very un-touchable things, like magical spheres, or ghost hybrids in their full form. 

Those are the main characters; I will add the rest as you meet them. I am sorry this is not really a chapter I know; I will try to get one out soon. word count (486)

Saving HybridsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora