Chapter sixteen: Dead or undead?

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Artwork credit goes to ticky on Tumblr. A shorter chapter HOPEFULLY. IDK how long it will be. I don't pre-write. I just write. I have literally no plans for this story and am just going with the flow and its pretty good. Also you're probably like 'Oh if Karl can time-travel and stuff why didn't he go back when they thought Tubbo died?' TBH IDK and IDC just go with it. 


Niki POV:

I remember seeing Ranboo appearing in the white room where I was kept and him grabbing me while another random hybrid works the metal wrist cuff off of me. 

Now I am here in this MANSION of a house, sitting on the couch with a lot of people around me, most of them crying. I had just woken up wrapped in a blanket and Ranboo brought me here.

"So..." I decide to start a conversation. "What exactly-?" I see Ranboo give me a look so i cut myself off and everyone sits in silence.

Then the blond older man with the hat speaks up. "Sorry for not introducing ourselves, we're having a rough day." He apologizes. 

"It's fine." I say smiling. "I'm Niki by the way." I look around the room noticing that Wilbur wasn't here. I hope they find him too. That would be nice. 

The older man nods. "I'm Phil, my eldest is Technoblade, my youngest Tommy, that's Karl, Dream, Sapnap, and George. I think you know George." He said pointing to everyone as he said their names.

George gave a slight wave trying to help comfort Karl. I really want to know what happened, but that's their business. 

The door opens and an imposing man with ram horns and a small tail comes in followed by a small fox hybrid, and an even smaller blue-ish hybrid. 

Phil turned around to greet them fresh tears starting to come down his face. "Have a seat Schlatt." He said motioning to a spot on a chair. 

The small fox hybrid ran over to Tommy and tried to sit on his lap. "Fundy not right now, ok?" He murmured. 

The blue-white hybrid went over to tug on her brother (I think) shirt. "Funy where's Tubo?"

The mood of the room darkened. Schlatt turned around to face the little hybrid. "Phil, Ameria has a point where is Tubbo?" He demanded.

Phil cleared his throat. "We... we were trying to break into the facility and save a friend, and Tommy followed us and dragged Tubbo along. On our way back Tubbo was gone. We went back to find him, and he was dead." 




"When is Tubo gety here?"

"Never, Ameria, never..." 

LOL I am best writer ta-da! Anyways you guys deserve to know what Fundy, Jschlatt, and Ameria are. Also Ameria is not canon she is made-up just random.  

Fundy: (Age 7, so younger than Tubbo and Tommy.) He is a fox Hybrid and has fox ears, a tail and orange hair. He can turn into a fox but unlike the dog and cat hybrids he will be noticed because of the aura around him making him high on the target for almost everything. He has enhanced smell and jump. He can camouflage himself if in the forest, and his fur is highly valuable as can be made into cloaks that partly camouflage you.

Ameria: (Age 4, really young.) She is an Ice Ling Hybrid, so she loves really cold temperature and can't get frostbite. There is two types of Ice Ling Hybrids: Frozen Ice Ling or Melted Ice Ling. The frozen Ice Ling is more powerful. Ameria is a Melted Ice Ling though, so a bit less powerful and likes cold water a lot. She has light blue skin, white hair and small icicles next to her eyes and in her hair. She can freeze almost anything and can shoot magic Icicles and stuff. They can travel away from the Ice Lands as long as at least once a day they drink a 10LBS bottle of frozen water, which is easy to find as all you have to do is freeze water, pick it up and put it in your mouth. IF she was a Frozen ice Ling she would of been able to make it snow and turn into an Ice blizzard or make and Ice shard storm. Their tears, icicles, and blood are really high on the market. They have one form only unless transforming into an Ice Blizzard, etc. 

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