Chapter 2 - Assignment

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I wish I could say I was well-rested on Monday morning. I really tried—I drank a cup of chamomile, took a melatonin tablet, and went to bed early. It was important to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for my first day, but I'm not sure I got so much as five hours of sleep. Call it what you will—anxiety, fear, indigestion—I didn't sleep.

Pushing the doors of the Triskelion open, I made my way over to the front desk. Upon signing in, I received my badge, departmental Level 1-Clearance firearm, and an assortment of paperwork.

A voice chirped out of nowhere and startled the pen right out of my hand. "Christ, isn't eyeshadow supposed to go on the eyelids, not under the eyes? Or, you know, maybe I got it wrong—"

I cut Shemar off, holding a finger to his lips. "Shut—just shut up. Did you," I yawned, "Did you get me coffee?"

"Yes, I did, and I made it a double. I don't know if that was a good idea though—I guarantee this isn't your first of the day. Not trying to get you buzzed this early..." Shemar ribbed.

Normally, I'd retort something snarky, but the coffee took priority. I quickly wrapped my hands around the cup, holding it close to me as I basked in the aroma.

Shemar joked, "Gollum, is that you?"

"My precious."

"Jesus," Shemar laughed. "Second or third cup?"

"If I say fourth, will you be disappointed in me?"

"Oh, mama—"

"New agents, this way!"

Shemar and I looked around to locate the speaker. Agent Maria Hill guided us inside a large boardroom, encapsulated in glass walls. She ushered us towards seats facing a large screen and several agents standing nearby.

Shemar pulled out a chair from the boardroom table and gestured flamboyantly for me to sit. I curtsied discreetly then took my seat. Shemar plopped down in the seat next to me, clearly delighted with himself.

This is it, the moment of truth.

Director Nick Fury enters at the helm of the room. Adjacent to a projector, he eyed us intently as we settled into our seats. Even with one eye, it was intimidating. Perhaps especially intimidating with one eye.

"Agents, welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. After this briefing, you will be taken on an orientation around the building—shortened only to the places pertinent to your clearance level and primary's assignment. We're not taking a goddamn Sunday drive around the facility—the world needs us and demands we work swiftly."

Director Fury inspired us would-be heroes to quickly straighten our postures. I doubt it would have required much to rally us given the painfully palpable thirst to prove ourselves. Without any further information and a brisk nod, Fury spins on his heels and withdraws from the boardroom. I side eye Shemar before our attention is redirected.

Agent Hill continues, "During this briefing, I will announce your primary agent, followed by a list of you that will work secondary to their case. These are the primaries: Agents Gurian, Bastille, Connolly, Hansson, and Ely.

Your primary oversees you and will decide what you do, in what capacity, and to what degree. As a Level-1 clearance agent, if they put you on paperwork—congrats, you're on desk duty. First..."

Oh my god, this is happening? This is for real?

Get it together Coulson, or you'll miss your fucking name...

Hill clicks the projector remote, highlighting the first of many assignments.

"Kazakhstan assignment: ongoing Koshe Party investigation. Joining Agent Gurian are Agents Nguyen, Quincy, and Vernon."


"Antarctica assignment, Case Number 20XKE35, classified. You will learn more from Agent Bastille. Agents Begum, Niyaz, Oesch, Sutter, and Zhuhai, follow Agent Bastille to sublevel seven."

That sounds intense—I wonder if my mission will have similar urgency?


"New York assignment, surveilling Nietas activity and possible breaches of S.H.I.E.L.D intel. Agents Abernathy, Ruiz, and Armstrong, you will join Agent Connolly."


"Eritrea assignment, food and income relief efforts in the Danakali region for Afar communities. Joining Agent Hansson: Agents Coleman, Lafayette, Nickle, and Tracey."

Shemar and I abruptly twisted toward one another.

"Go get 'em!" I whispered.

"Thanks, I'll see you soon!"

And with that, Agent Coleman departed with his fellow agents. I turned my attention back to Agent Hill. There were only nineteen graduates from my class; if I counted correctly, there were only four of us left.

"Last assignment is investigating a possible ISIS surfacing amidst the northern Zemgale region in Latvia."

My first assignment—ISIS? This is incredible; I'll fight against one of the most notorious terrorist organizations ever, alongside fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. comrades.

"Agent Ely will be joined by Agents Dalton, Finley, and Keller. Dismissed."

The last three agents scurried after their primary, avoiding my eye contact as they left. The room was empty, excluding myself and Agent Hill.

Did she just say dismissed? There must be some mistake—

"Mar—Age-Agent Hill, wait. I didn't-I did not receive an assignment," I said, walking up to her. She stiffened with her left side facing me, guarding herself from confrontation.

She paused. "Yes, um—Agent Coulson, you better follow me." Maria spoke lowly, eyes drifting downward.

Why was she acting strangely?

Why would I not be assigned like everyone else?

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