Catch you on the flip side x

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Shawn's POV

"Bye, Shawn!"

"Bye, hun!" I wave at the fan, smiling as she left the meet & greet.

I watch her disappear behind the curtain on my right, as I stand in front of the flowered backdrop.

Looking to my left, I prepare to meet the next person.

Two adults walk through this time, and they looked to be in their forties or fifties. The man entered first, followed by the woman, who was already in tears.

"Hey..." I say to them, wondering why the woman was crying.

"Hi, Shawn. Nice to meet you," the man says. He extends a hand and I give him a handshake with a friendly smile.

The woman sniffles, drying her eyes. "Sorry," she apologizes.

"That's alright," I tell her kindly. I offer her a hug and she accepts.

"Our daughter was a huge fan. She wanted nothing more than to meet you," the man tells me.

I couldn't help but notice that he was speaking in past tense.

I nod, but don't respond, as he looked like he wanted to say more. He hesitates.

"She passed away from cancer around five months ago. She was 16 and her name was Y/N..."

Have you ever had the feeling that your heart was physically breaking— no, that it was being ripped to shreds?

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I couldn't even imagine what that must be like. Is there anything I can do?"

He smiles sadly. "Thank you, but all she asked was for us to give you this letter. We promised her we'd meet you for her. She loved you so much."

I nod sympathetically as he hands me a folded piece of paper. "I'll read it as soon as I can. And, I hope she knows that I love her too."

A little while before the show was about to start, I walk into my dressing room and pull out the letter.

I couldn't stop thinking about the fan since her parents left the meet & greet.

I may not have known her, but I feel a really special connection with my fans and I wish I could've met this one.

I begin to read the letter.

Hey Shawn,

I hope this isn't too creepy... receiving a letter from the dead. Sorry, bad joke lol.

My parents probably told you what happened to me but I don't want you to be sad or anything. I couldn't stand the thought of you being sad because of me.

In case they didn't do this enough justice, I just wanted to express how much I love you. You've been my idol for years now, and you've done so much for me, more than you'll ever know. I had to tell you that, even if I couldn't be there in person to do it.

While I was at the hospital and even before then, some days you were the only thing that could make me smile.

The Mendes Army was like a second family to me. In case you didn't already know, you've got some really great fans ;)

I met some really great friends through the fandom, and they'd probably kill me a second time if I didn't at least mention them in this letter to you.

In all seriousness though, I really wish I could've met you. Maybe in another lifetime. Catch you on the flip side x


I smiled sadly. She seemed to have been such lovely person. I felt honoured for her to have called me her idol.

For some reason, those last words sort of resonated with me. 70s slang from a teenage girl? I liked her quirky little phrase at the end. It stuck with me for a while.


"Hey Liv!" I greet her as I walk into the parlour.

"Hey Shawn, I'll be with you in a sec," she tells me. I wait as she finishes up with another client.

A few moments later, the man thanks her and leaves. She signals for me to come over so I stand up and go to where she was sitting.

"What can I do for you?" she asks me.

I pull the piece of paper out of my pocket and show her what I want.

She nods, and preps me.

The familiar buzzing of the needle begins and feel the slight sting.

A little while later, she finishes the tattoo. I look at the words inked across my arm, written exactly how they were on the page, in the fan's handwriting.

Catch you on the flip side x


A/N: idk where I got that phrase from but I actually wrote the imagine and then added it later on and it ended up becoming all about it lol xx

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