~Chapter- 8~

Depuis le début

I again looked at him immersed in talking to his professor and it was me he was talking to! Agh! Stop it! I sighed and walked towards my next class.

Till lunch time I barely had time to utter a word as me and Khush concentrated in all the classes taking note of every detail.

During lunch time we went to the cafeteria and ordered food for ourselves.

"What are you gonna go with today?" Khush asked me as I scrutinized the menu for the day.

"I'll go with the Monday meal itself because it's rajma chawal! What about you?" I asked her and she thought for a second and said.

"I am gonna go with the same too! I wanna eat rajma chawal too today!" She said and I laughed at how long she took to think about it.

We took our lunch and sat down in a corner near the window enjoying the cloudy sky and pleasant weather today.

"Hey!" I voice came from behind us and I turned around to see the 'trio' standing behind us.

I looked at Khush and she was blushing looking at Kabir. Damn! My girl got it hard. Khushi is your typical Tom boy girl! She is very rough around the edges though very soft on the inside. And she never blushes! Looks like I have to thank Kabir for giving me something to tease her about.

"Can we join?" Kabir asked hesitantly and Khushi looked at me. I smiled at her in assurance and asked them to join.

Kabir, Rudra and Zian came over and sat down with Kabir sitting beside Khush and me between Rudra and Zian.

"Hi!" I chirped looking at those three and gave a wide smile to them. I turned towards Zian and smiled at him and he looked shocked for a second before giving me a small smile and turned towards his food.

*Why was he shocked?!* I thought but then shrugged and looked up as Kabir asked something.

"Hey! Bhuva! Thank you for encouraging me to speak to her! Because of you I got a girlfriend" he said and Khushi's totally flushed. I giggled at him and said.

"It's all you bro! I just gave a push! And Khushi also likes you since so long it will anyway work out in the end" I said Khushi glared at me whereas I stuck my tongue out at her.

"No no! You have to take the credit Bhuva! Otherwise this stupid wouldn't have ever approached her and would've went to the Himalayas to become a monk! Thanks to you he didn't get a bald head!" Rudra said dramatically with a hand on his heart and Kabir reached over smacking him in the head making us all laugh.

We all started eating and chatting random topics teasing the love birds in between but Zian though is very unusually quiet. I mean he is quiet but today I feel like he is even more distant. I wondered if it's because he is awkward that I am here. That thought didn't make me feel good.

"Umm....guys we will just head to the library" Kabir said taking Khushi's hand and I smirked at their lame attempt.

"Say it straight that you wanna go talk to Khushi alone or maybe do some other things alone. Why do you hide under library excuse? It's very old yaar!" Rudra said smirking and I laughed giving him a hi-fi.

Kabir glared at him but excused himself again. Khush looked at me signing with her eyes towards Zian but I just nodded with a smile and she left after giving me a shy smile.

It was silent for a bit as we cleared out our food and kept the plates aside neatly when Rudra suddenly stammered and said.

"Oh! I...I gotta go! I forgot my book in the class so I'll go fetch it! You..both talk!" Saying that without waiting for any reply he bolted out of here in lightning speed.

It was just me and Zian now and suddenly it felt awkward like a heavy tension is in here. The tension is certainly not from me because I sat very cool with the scenario. Except my nerves were racking.

I cleared my throat and looked up at Zian too see him already looking at me. I passed him a smile and said.

"Umm....I'll also leave then...have a good day!" I chirped with extra enthusiasm and was about to get up when Zian held my hand and I snapped my head to him in shock.

This is the first time he touched me, I touched him.....and god! Disney and romantic books do say it correct. A shiver ran down my spine as his rough veiny hand enveloped my small one. Even he seemed to realise the shock and he left my hand immediately.

"Don't go" he said and I gulped and sat in my place turning towards him.

"I....I...wanted to tell you something!" He said looking here and there and I raised my eyebrow at him with a smile encouraging him to talk. He looked nervous and when people are nervous giving them a warm smile helps them ease back.

"I...I am sorry for brushing you off like that. I was....vague Ms. Agarwal. I was also rude and that was uncalled for. I hope you don't take it to heart" he said very formally and I giggled at his serious expressions. He spoke like he is in a business meeting.

He looked at me confused as I was laughing at his expressions and I composed myself saying.

"Why are you sorry? I mean I admit you were a bit rude but that's fine. It must have come off as a shock! But then it's not your fault if you don't like me in that way right? I understand don't worry dude! Chill out!" I said with a smile and he just kept staring at me as if I am alien. He cleared his throat and nodded his head.

He was about to get up when he thought of something and sat down and looked at me. He took a deep sigh before saying.

"Do you want to be friends with me?" Oh my god! Zian Khurana is asking me to be his friend!!??? Woah! Okay!

I pinched myself and winced when it pained and realised it's true and it's not a dream. Zian looked at me weirdly and I gave him a small smile before extending my hand.

"I would love to! Bhuva Agrawal!" I chirped and a small smile formed on his face tugging at my heart strings.

"Zian Khurana" he said and I smirked at him.

"As my friend the first thing you need to know is that I love chocolate more than anything in the world! Now that you are my friend, as a tribute to our new found friendship I need a chocolate and at the same time since you said sorry before I need another chocolate to consider your apology! Now shoo! Go get me one I didn't have any since morning!" I said shooing him and he gave me a full blown laughter.

He got up to go get me what I asked and I looked up at the sky where my dear friend God resides.

Woah there buddy! Not a bad day at all!

And that's where their journey starts where cupid plays it's charms!

Hello lovely people! Hmm!? So Zian decided to be friends with her! Nice move man! I can't wait to see how their friendship turns out and where it leads to! Are you also excited?! Lemme know!

Hello lovely people! Hmm!? So Zian decided to be friends with her! Nice move man! I can't wait to see how their friendship turns out and where it leads to! Are you also excited?! Lemme know!

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