Where the Hell am I?

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   The first thing that Angel notices when he wakes up is the feeling that someone is watching him. And not in a, "It's just a weird feeling" way, but in an "I literally know that there's someone nearby staring at me" way. Slowly, he opens his eyes and sees something that he definitely didn't expect.
   At the end of the bed he was laying in, a robot was just standing there with a small metal tray in its hands, just watching the spider demon. After getting a good look at the tray, Angel can pretty easily see what's on it: a small bowl of what looks to be sliced strawberries, bananas, and apples, a pile of crackers with three small bowls with different colored substances that looked kind of like peanut butter that's colored different, a napkin, a fork, and a glass of clear liquid. It looks a lot like champagne, but there weren't any bubbles. It was just clear liquid.
   Seeing that Angel is awake, the robot slowly walked towards him and sets the tray on his lap, before standing back.
   "My name is VEGA" The robot states, "and you may call me by male pronouns if you so wish. Please eat. You need energy after your ordeal yesterday"
   The demon gives the robot a curious look, before gently grabbing one of the apple slices and tosses it in his mouth, chewing slowly. An awkward silence goes by as Angel eats, quickly emptying the bowl and crackers.
   Grabbing the glass of liquid, he takes a small sip and pauses, confused. It tasted familiar. Not like anything from Hell, but something he distinctly remembers from his time alive.
   "Um, what's this"
   Angel, in one of the few times in his time in Hell, is silent.
   "Stop f**king around with me. Water doesn't exist in Hell"
   If VEGA had a mouth, he would be smiling right now.
   "This place doesn't follow the normal rules of Hell. Besides, are you really going to try to object when the proof is in your hand right now?"
   Angel just looks at the glass, before taking a big drink, not answering the robot's question.
   VEGA suddenly stops, frozen for a moment. Regaining his composure, he takes the metal tray off of Angel's lap and sets it on a nearby table. "When you've finished your drink, please get dressed and follow me. The Slayer intends to take you home soon"
   Angel gives VEGA a confused look, wondering who he was talking about. "What kind of sh*t name is 'The Slayer?'"
   "I would advise you not to swear in front of him. He doesn't approve of it" VEGA states, holding his hand up, which starts to glow.
   "Checking me out?" Angel asks in a semi-seductive voice. It was honestly more playful, the demon put at ease at just how relaxed VEGA was.
   "Just finding out what size clothes you wear," Vega says, before standing back and walking to a small compartment on one of the walls. He presses his palm to the wall next to it, and the machine immediately jumps to life. In less than a second, the compartment closes for only a moment, before opening again. VEGA reaches in and grabs the grey box inside, setting it in front of Angel.
   The demon opens it up, and is quite shocked to see folded clothes inside. Taking them out, he stands from the bed and starts to pull them on. They weren't exactly the best choice for him, in his opinion, due to there being boxers and a loose-fitting t-shirt inside, but at least the shirt had holes for all his arms. Honestly, the clothes fit him perfectly, not feeling uncomfortable at all.
   VEGA waits until he's tied the shoes that were in the bottom of the box, before walking to the door. "Please, follow me"
   Angel obliges, wondering just where they were going to be heading.
   VEGA leads him down many of the winding hallways and they pass a window to the outside. And Angel's breath leaves his lungs completely.
   He could see all of Pentagram City from here, and even the glimpse of another city far off into the distance. They were really high up, and I mean REALLY high up. The demon couldn't even see the cars that were surely driving below.
   "Welcome to the Fortress of Doom. And don't ask about the name. We didn't choose it" VEGA says from right next to him.
   With difficulty, Angel pulls his gaze away from the window and keeps following the robot, mesmerized at just how advanced all the technology here was.
   The sound of music grabs the demon's attention. It was soft and sweet, with the sound of a piano seeming to echo off the walls.
   Eventually, the room where the sound was coming from gets closer, and VEGA lightly grabs Angel by the shoulder and stops him.
   "Please listen to me. The Slayer doesn't speak unless he is emotionally attached to you, so I'll be speaking for him. Don't swear in front of him, and try not to stare. Do you understand, Anthony?"
   Angel flinches at his name. But instead of giving a smart-mouthed reply, he simply nods. He could just sense at how serious this was, and he had seen firsthand just what this guy can do.
   VEGA nods in reply, before letting go of the demon and walking into the room. The music had long since stopped. Inside, there was a piano tucked out of the way in a corner, and a large walkway leading down to a big window was in the middle of the room, with a metal sphere containing another one of those blue discs.
   The creature, who was apparently called the Slayer, was turned away from Angel, and seemed to be grabbing pieces of the armor he had worn yesterday and was slipping them on. All the while, Angel was admiring just how ripped this guy was, on the verge of starting to drool.
   Seeing this, VEGA lightly slaps the demon on the back of the head to snap him out of it, and just in time too, because the Slayer was sliding his helmet onto his skull.
   "SELECTING DESTINATION NOW," VEGA says, his voice coming from both the robot and the speaker in the Slayer's helmet.
   Waving the demon over, the Slayer walks to the blue portal at the end of the walkway, standing in front of it. Angel quickly moves beside him, taking a note to not look at the creature.
   The Slayer unexpectedly pushes Angel through the portal before walking in himself.
   On the other end, Angel was currently trying not to throw up. He didn't pass out like last time, but he felt incredibly nauseated.
   Hearing the heavy footfalls of the Slayer, Angel turns to the being. "YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST WARNED ME BEFORE YOU DID THAT!" He yells in his face, but a female voice catches his attention.
   "Angel?" It asks, and the spider demon looks to the doors in front of him, seeing two female demons. The first had white skin with red cheeks and little horns on her head. She looked kind of like a clown, honestly. The second one's skin was grey, with a red X over her left eye.
   Angel is about to say something, but the first demon lets out a gasp, before sprinting forward and wrapping her arms around the Slayer's neck, hugging him tightly.
   If that wasn't surprising enough, instead of pushing her off, he wraps his arms around her back and hugs her hard.
   "Okay, I'm lost," Angel says after getting over his shock of what is happening. "Is he like an ex, or something?"
   "Of course not," she says, letting go of the Slayer's neck.

"He's my uncle"

Hazbin Hotel: Hell to PayWhere stories live. Discover now