Blades and Bullets

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The bar was booming, with demons coming in and out regularly, either trying to get drunk, get laid, or both. Things were pretty normal.
"Hey, you have any idea where Val went?" One of the demons asks the bartender, referring to the Overlord who controlled this entire area of the city.
"One of his sl*ts started acting up. He was really pissed. He's upstairs." The tiger demon says, cleaning off a wine glass with a cloth.
A loud scream erupts above them, from about two floors up. It sounded like a male in pain, though they couldn't tell. The bartender smirks. "Music to my ears," he says with a cruel look in his eyes. The demons that hear it laugh, not really caring about the pain that the male upstairs must be feeling at the moment.
Meanwhile, outside, a strange-looking demon walks towards the building, though he didn't look like a demon. He had very human skin, though it seemed to be stretched tight over the overly large muscles in his arms. Really, his entire body seems to be extremely muscular, though you could only see his skin in an area around his elbows, and a little bit around his neck
The demon, if he could be called a demon, flicks his armored wrist ever so slightly, and a white flame erupts from his palm. The flame starts to change shape, elongating into what looks to be a shotgun. The creature grabs it by the handle, slinging it up so that the barrel rests on his shoulder.
The creature walks up to the door of the bar, pushing it open with an armored hand. He walks in, most of the demons turning to look at him, having been alerted by the sound of the creature's loud footsteps. The demons stare, most not recognizing him but being drawn to the high-tech armor he was wearing, and a few remembering the bounty on his head, each one grabbing their weapons.
The creature walks up to the bar and sits down, placing his shotgun in front of him while he ignores the glares from the demons next to him.
"What do you want?" The bartender asks, taking a quick look. The creature just points to one of the bottles on the top shelf. Specifically, the strongest, most expensive drink available.
The bartender gives the creature a look, before turning and reaching up for the bottle.
"That'll be 400 souls. Pay up" the bartender says, placing the large glass bottle on the counter
The creature just takes a single armored thumb and points it at the large demon next to him.
Said demon immediately stands up. "Like Heaven I'm paying for that! You wanna die?!" He asks, glaring. The creature holds up a finger to the bartender, asking for a moment.
With speed almost unseeable, the creature grabs the HIGHLY expensive alcohol and slams the bottle into the demon's skull. He pivots and hits the demon again, this time the bottle shattering, showering them both in alcohol.
As the other demons watch, dumbfounded, what looks to be a small cannon on the armored creature's shoulder pops up and takes aim at the demon. A belch of white flame billows out, setting them both on fire. While the demon screams in agony, the creature stands there, not even flinching as the white flames lick over his armor, not leaving a mark on him.
He turns to the rest of the bar, not even flinching at the sight of over 50 gun barrels pointed simultaneously at his head. The creature doesn't react, simply turning around and grabbing his shotgun from the bar. He turns back around to the demons in front of him, surveying each and every one of them with varied interest. He raises his shotgun up to chest level, and though they can't see it, the creature gives a very small smile, anticipating the fun that was to come.


A loud scream echoes from the spider demon strapped to the table, as a moth demon watches as two of his men do some less than humane things to him. The demon smiles, smoking a cigarette as he stares down the rims of his heart-shaped glasses.
"Val! I'm sor-MMPH!" he tries to yell, tears in his eyes. The moth demon just smiles maliciously.
   "Sorry, Angel Cakes. Maybe next time you can do your job instead of f***ing around at that damn hotel" he states casually, talking a long drag from his cigarette.
   There is crashing coming from downstairs, which wasn't uncommon. Patrons usually got drunk and into fights, and Val had become numb to the noise.
   But the sound of gunshots draws the moth demon's attention. It echoes throughout the walls and the building seems to shudder with the different sounds. Valentino tries to ignore it, but he can't stand it anymore when a loud BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sounds from the floor directly below them. Fed up, he signals for one of his men to investigate. The demon pulls out of Angel and quickly gets his clothes on, grabbing the white knife from the sheath on his belt.
   The demon barely makes it out the door of the room before his head is grabbed by an armored hand, which squeezes tightly, loud cracking able to be heard as his skull caves in on itself.
   Tossing the lifeless body aside, the creature walks into the room and over to Valentino, staring down at the demon. Val hesitates for a moment, before reaching into his coat and drawing a small pistol, firing a point-blank shot at the creature's neck. The bullet was made from an Exterminator's blade, which means that they can kill demons just as easily as the blades themselves.
   But the bullet just bounces off the creature's skin. Unimpressed, the human-like being grabs Val by the neck and tosses him, almost nonchalantly, at the nearest wall. The demon slams into it and doesn't move, knocked unconscious.
   The remaining still-functional demon freezes in shock. He had never seen an Overlord taken down so effortlessly. Not wanting to end up like his colleague, the shark demon just backs away from the danger slowly, holding his hands up to show that he didn't have a weapon.
   The creature stops and stares, before stepping aside and slightly tilting his head towards the door. The shark demon doesn't waste a second and sprints out of the room, not even bothering to grab his clothes.
   Angel was frozen in terror at what he had just seen, and immediately starts to panic when the creature starts to walk towards him. He can't even form words to plead for mercy. As the being raises its hand, he closes his eyes and braces for the pain sure to come.
   But instead, he hears a loud clang sound, and opens his eyes. The creature had grabbed the chains holding his wrists to the table and had ripped them off casually, before moving down to free his legs just as easily. The being stands back, and Angel tries to get off the table and stand, but collapses immediately, his tired body unable to support his weight.
   The being catches the spider demon and picks him up gently, carrying him to the table and laying him back down. The creature walks over the unconscious form of Valentino and grabs his coat by the collar, ripping it off of the moth demon. The sound of bones breaking can be heard as the demon's arms are forcefully ripped out of the article of clothing.
   Walking back, the creature covers Angel in the coat like a blanket, before gently picking him up bridal style. The spider demon would probably make a dirty joke about this, but he's too exhausted to even speak. But he can still see.
   The being walks down the hallways of the building, and Angel sees the carnage he had left behind. There were bodies and blood everywhere, with many of them with bullet holes and limbs missing. There was even one that was cut in half from his head to his crotch. Yet the creature doesn't have even a scratch on him. He doesn't even look at them, walking through the front doors.
   "OPENING PORTAL NOW", a robotic voice says out loud from the being's helmet, and the space in front of them seems to shift and change, before what looks to be a big, flat, blue disc appears from thin air.
   The creature doesn't even hesitate, walking right though, but Angel feels strange. His body feels like it's being quickly ripped apart and put back together again, and though it doesn't hurt, his head starts to spin, and he's soon engulfed by blackness.
   The creature looks at the unconscious demon, before scanning his surroundings, which were very familiar to him.
   Welcome back, me. He thinks to himself.
He carries the demon down the grey metal corridors to the infirmary, which was made for his use, but he never needed it. The being lays Angel down in the empty bed and carefully places a blanket over him. The creature pauses for a moment, before turning away and walking out, looking forward to 666 News reporting on his latest night out.

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