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✧──────✦ "from now on, i only listen to you!"

hyunkyu and a friend acted out the drama-worthy scene starring seojun and jugyeong that they'd seen this morning at the front of the classroom.

"don't go!"

the friend squealed in an obnoxious high pitched voice, "just let me,"

"just don't go!" hyunkyu tried his best to sound tough like suho had. sumin and sujin were both acting like they weren't fuming for the same reason. in walked suho and jugyeong, both unaware of the reenactment.

the acting stopped once seojun walked in the classroom and down jugyeong's row to his seat. she lifted the keys up to him, "take it back. why did you even give them to me?"

"in order for me not to ride my bike, you have to keep the key." he had the classes attention at his confident voice, "why, you might ask? because i'm only listening to you from now on."

"if this your way of getting revenge? because i blackmailed you with a picture of you and sumin on your motorcycle?"

"i wouldn't do that," seojun pulled out a lemonade from his pocket and set it down on her desk. "i found it in the way, enjoy."

sumin wondered if he knew that lemonade was her favorite, but was pulled out of her thoughts from the gasping and jeering from the classmates around her. so much for him just doing it to spite suho. seojun wouldn't make such a big deal for his demise.

everyone eventually left the room to find their first class in the lab. the only empty seats was one next to seojun, one next to suho, and one filled with girls that probably wouldn't do their work.

after a quick process of elimination, she sat in the stool next to suho, still trying to subtly ignore seojun.

on the other hand, seojun waved his hand over at sumin for her to join his table. once she ended up sitting by suho, he set his hand down and tried to move his attention to his friends. jugyeong came in a few seconds after and quickly sat at the table with the girls after seeing no open seats except for a stool at seojun's table that had already been reserved by a backpack.

"when organic matter is decomposed by enzymes, inorganic substances are made to create energy." sumin doodled in her notebook as the teacher went on since she'd already known this since a crazy science tutor she and sujin learned from years ago.

"a portion of this energy is stored as ATP, while the rest is emitted as thermal energy." sumin's eyes began to shut for themselves as the boring academic talk of the teacher faded into a constant buzzing in her ear.

"sumin," some lightly tapped on her shoulder. "sumin," some tapped her progressively harder.

"what?" she snapped.

suho nodded at the front of the class, "the teacher."

sumin looked to the front and saw the teacher tapping her foot with her arms crossed. "as i was saying, sumin, what happens in this process?"

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