8 ~ Double Trouble

Start from the beginning

A pile of bodies all over the forests with my bullet marking in each. I get bored of my sniper wanting more action so I pack it up and head back into my cabin. I walk downstairs spotting two intruders searching through my kitchen.

"I don't have food if that's what you're looking for," I mention, carelessly. Both of them turn around and aim their guns at me but don't shoot.

"I can aim my gun at you all day and that won't do shit. Are you going to shoot or can I leave?" I ask, slowly pulling my gun out. 

I duck right as one of them takes a shot. I roll over on the ground, aim my gun and shoot. One blocks all three shots with a heavy duty cast iron pan in one hand.

"Damn that's skill. Those things are heavy as fuck," I mention, running to the living room. I extend out a foot and slide behind a couch as more shots ring through the cabin.

I lift my head above the couch and aim as one of them reload their guns. I shoot four times to which they fall over. I stand up and dust myself off. Until I realize they're getting up.

"Don't tell me you guys have bullet proof vests?" I whine. One of them aims their gun at me once more and this time I duck right away. I make my way back over to the kitchen as they follow.

"Look it's two against one and I shot like what? 7 times. You guys shot 50 million times and are still losing. You really need to step up your game," I advise.

I feel my body being pushed onto the ground as multiple gunshots go off. I groan feeling a heavy weight on me. "Someone needs to work out. Gosh how much do you weigh," I muffle gasping for air.

"You really need to learn how to shut the fuck up," I look up at the tackler.

"Oh shit. Hi Shawn," I smile innocently as he gets up. He helps me up off the floor.

"Don't hi Shawn me, are you trying to get killed?" He asks. I look over at the two men and shoot them twice in the head right between their eyes. "If you could do that all along why didn't you?" He ask me.

"That's boring. You don't really get the workout you know," I jog in one spot pretending to exercise.

"Come on. We need to hide unless you want to get in trouble by Chase," Shawn says, leading me out of the kitchen.

"I'm not scared of him," I mumble, following him outside.

"Shawn! Where are you?!" Here comes Angela screaming in a high pitched voice. Jeez who brought pitchy along.


"So you're telling me Miss fucking loud mouth who can't fight could come but not me?" I ask Shawn confused. Why would she be allowed to come but not me?

"I don't know. I just do as I'm told," Shawn shrugs, reloading his gun. I notice the dirt on his face probably from fighting earlier.

"Shawn you left me!" Angela stomps her foot in her high heel boots.

"Should've caught up," Shawn rolls his eyes walking past her as we now walk outside. I pick up my duffel bag and pull out two rifles. "Charm you're the fucking best," Shawn takes a rifle from me and I take the other one.

"Yeah of course I am," I gloat as we make our way through the forest carefully.

"What about me! Wait up," Angela shouts, making a run over to us. She looks as if she's about to tip over in her heels.

"Holy fuck Angela go pair up with Alex or Leo," Shawn groans loudly. "So fucking annoying," he mutters under his breath.

"Fine, maybe I'll go pair up with Chase," Angela sends a smug smile my way as if I'm supposed to care. She doesn't leave and continues looking at me.

"Okay so go pair up with him," I say. She flicks her hair behind her shoulder and walks away. "She's gonna tell him I'm here isn't she?" I ask Shawn.

"Wouldn't put it past her," he huffs out and I nod along. Shawn and I both stop walking when we hear a stick snap. I look at him and point over to a bush and we sprint over to it and duck behind it.

We peek our heads up seeing four men talking. Including their leader. I shuffle a bit and their heads snap our way. Shawn and I lie on our stomachs as shots start flying over our heads.

Then something comes to mind.

"Hey Shawn. I never asked you how you're doing since you got shot," I whisper.

"So you choose to ask me that now! While we are being shot at," he whispers-shouts.

"Well yes!" I shout over the gunshots. "Hold on," I put my finger up signalling for him to wait before peeking my head above the bush. I shoot one man and before I can get the other two, Shawn has already shot them dead.

"Can't let you have all the fun," Shawn smirks before running off after the leader. I get up and sprint after him. We keep running till we are out of the forest and into a field with long grass.

We eventually reach an abandoned barnyard. Must be his hideout. "Split up," Shawn suggests.

"Yeah go that way," I point to the left, Shawn nods following my directions and I go right. I open the heavy door and begin looking around. I climb a stack of hay trying to get a better view.

I see Shawn walking around but no sight of the leader. I spot a ladder out of the corner of my eye leading to a small door above it. I walk over to it and begin my climb. I jangle the locked door knob. It doesn't open so I use my gun to shoot the lock open.

"Aww look at the little alpha leader weaponless," I pout seeing him in the corner with a bat. "Powerless," I add. He swings his bat and I duck. When I get back up he charges straight at me before I have the chance to block.

He tackles me causing us to fall out of the room and drop down in the air. Shots go off right as my back hits a stack of hay. I cough out of breath after getting the wind knocked out of me.

The guy grabs my gun and aims it at Shawn right as he was about to get him. "Drop it," he mutters. Shawn drops his rifle, raising his arms into the arm. I reach into my pocket pulling out my knives.

Shawn and I exchange a knowing look right before I throw three knives. Two in the back of each of his ankles and one straight in his lower back. He lets out a pained scream before dropping to the ground. I run over to him and pull out handcuffs, cuffing his hands together behind his back.

"Charm you're bleeding," Shawn mentions. I touch the side of my cheek and feel the stinging of my cheek.

"Just a few scratches. And after falling from that height," I point over to the small room at the top of a ladder in the barn. "I'm definitely going to be bruised tomorrow."

"You're bleeding too." I point at the blood on his chin and forehead. Shawn takes the back of his hand wiping off the blood.

"Not my blood," he chuckles.

"Good job though," Shawn comments, we both do a short handshake. Shawn and I lift up the leader by his upper arm and drag him as he attempts to walk towards the barn doors. Shawn and I use our free hands to open up the barn door.

"Oh fuck," I curse. Shawn and I both drop the leader on the ground.

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