Kitty Knuckle Duster

Start from the beginning

"Where the fuck is my bestie and why isn't he picking up his damn phone!" The small man shouts, stomping into the room and throwing his bag into the nearest chair. The bag looked to be one of the newest luxury releases from Gucci, Jungkook noted.

When no one moves to speak up, Jimin squints his eyes and turns to the staircase, yelling, "Jin! Get down here! Why haven't you been picking up my calls!"

When he doesn't get a response he turns back to the trio. "Why does it feel like Jin died and you're all planning his funeral?" He looked at each of them, Jungkook being the only one to not meet his gaze.

"Why isn't anyone talking?" Jimin was once again met with nothing. His eyes narrowed dangerously. Placing his hands on his hips, Jimin sauntered forward. "Alright, let's try this again. One of you is going to tell me where Jin is and why he isn't picking up his phone before I open a can of whoop-ass on each one of you."

Yoongi sighed, breaking the silence. "Jin's not picking up his phone because in a mad rage he tossed his phone in some trash can along the street last night, well, I guess you could say this morning."

Jimin gave him a confused look. "Why was Jin out wandering around last night? He was supposed to be here, and why was he angry?"

Yoongi pointedly looked at Jungkook. "Yeah, why was he angry, Jungkook?"

A noticeable red tint coated the youngest's cheeks as he bowed his head in embarrassment. "We, ah, we got into a fight. It was my fault. I did some stupid stuff I shouldn't have..."

Jungkook didn't have to finish for something to flip in Jimin. See, Jimin, for all the good he's worth, has a tendency to assume the worst in situations, and now was one of those times. He didn't need to know the details to know that Jin was off somewhere hurting while these three were chatting over a glass of tea like a bunch of halmeonis discussing the weather. How could they be here while Jin was out there with no communication? What if he was in danger? Jimin knew that when Jin got extremely angry he would go into this trance-like state as if he were a robot; he would do things he normally wouldn't, like throwing away his phone while he walked around in the dead of night where he could get mugged or murdered. Did last night not prove to them how stupid Jin gets when he's emotional?

Jimin could feel the rage and fright building inside him. Jin was hurt, again, and no one seemed to be worried about him. What could Jungkook have done to make the other so angry he would walk out in the dead of night? It must have been bad and that alone sparked a fire in Jimin.

"What the fuck did you do." Jimin's voice was deeper than usual as he delivered the cool statement. Jimin wasn't looking for an answer; his vision already going red with rage as he turned his attention to Jungkook.

"I-I, look, I can explain—" Jungkook tried to reason, the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. His body could tell there was danger afoot.

"Tell me!" He yelled.

"Please calm down, Jimin," Hoseok tried but was ignored.

"We fought! He left! He wouldn't respond to my texts either. I only just found out from Yoongi about Jin throwing away his phone." Jungkook knew this answer wouldn't suffice.

"After everything Jin has been through in the last few months, after everything he's put up with. His jobs, his ex, and now you. You don't see him struggle as I do, you don't see how much shit he goes through and he never fucking complains. He took a chance on you, you motherfucker. He could've fucked you and left, but he didn't because that's not who. He. Is. He likes to think he made cages around his heart so he wouldn't get hurt, but let me tell you something, he wouldn't have shut down like he did if he didn't care for you. But you wouldn't understand that, would you, Jungkook?"

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