~Chapter 48~

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(Narnian year 2555)

I walked through the castle. King Tirian, one of King Caspian's descendants, had just left with his unicorn Jewel for his monthly hunt. Pippin was out practicing his archery.

Everyone was excited and on edge because not a week ago birds came flying over us saying, Aslan was here that Aslan had come to Narnia again. And after that it was the squirrels. Then came a Stag. Then came a merchant from Calormen. And there was the Badger last night; he too had seen Aslan... So, we were all in wait... To see if these things were true.

"My lady!"

I turned and saw the centaur approach me. He bowed his head slightly.

"King Tirian... He has seen the source of the commotion. There's an ape who's claiming to be the mouthpiece of Aslan.... He is not the real Aslan... And they have captured King Tirian. And are murdering Dryads."

"That's horrible." I said putting a hand over my mouth.

I went to sleep that night with the words of the centaur in my mind.

I managed to doze off but awoke with the horrifying dream vividly in my head. Tirian... Tied to a tree. Appeared like a phantom.

"Children! Children! Friends of Narnia! Quick. Come to me. Across the worlds I call you; I Tirian, King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands!"

I couldn't sleep. But I must have screamed because a few minutes later there was a soft knock at my door.

It opened and Pippin walked in, "are you alright mother?" He asked. I nodded placing a hand on my chest.

"another nightmare?" He asked sitting next to me.

"But this one was vivid. Like none I'd ever seen... King Tirian was there... calling upon Narnians." I looked into my son's green eyes.

"Something's happening Pip... Something that'll change the course of Narnia forever."

He wrapped one of his strong arms around me and sat with me till morning. 

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang