~Chapter 39~

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Miraz knelt on the dais in the throne room. Sopespian, his advisor, placed a crown on his head. Miraz rose, and sat on the throne behind him. Everyone in the court bowed to him. Then Miraz walked out onto the balcony facing the courtyard, where the Telmarine people shouted,

"Long live the king!"

"Your highness." General Glozelle mumbled. Miraz turned to him. "We have discovered one of them... Still alive... Here in the castle."

"Bring them to my throne room." Miraz said, his cloak swooshing as he turned around.

General Glozelle turned to one of the soldiers.

"She's still a Telmarine... Don't harm her." He said, his voice lowered.

~ ~ ~

I was lying, in pain. Thinking about taking the vile... But I also wanted to be as alert as I could. My eyes were closed when I heard the door open. I assumed it was Esme or Doctor Calonin.

I sat up and saw the soldiers walk in.

"I want no harm..." I said putting my hands up.

"Lord Miraz wishes to see you..." General Glozelle said. If you come willingly we wont harm you any further." 

I nodded as one of the soldiers helped me kick my legs off the table.

"I'm sorry, it still hurts." I said wincing as the soldier helped me out. They escorted me to the throne room and I couldn't help but to fall to my knees in front of Miraz. His crown looked too big for his head.

"Lady, Vyla?" He asked standing, narrowing his eye.

I could feel my lip quivering in pain.

"I was just caught in the wrong place at the wrong time." I said.

"In the castle?" He asked.

I nodded. "According to one of my guards... He helped Lady Esme carry you from the gate tower."

I swallowed hard.

"If you were helping them... I could put you to death."

"You know that I've been a friend of the Caspian's since prince Caspian was born... My ancestors are Telmarines... I would never betray the rightful heir to the crown." I smiled bowing my head.

"Why would I ever believe that? You were on their side... and now if you don't tell us what they have planned. I'll have no qualms in torturing it out of you."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Long live Aslan." I whispered.

Miraz scoffed and motioned to one of the soldiers behind him. They picked me up and dragged me into the cold cell of the dungeon.

I stayed there for a few hours before General Glozelle came back.

"Our ancestors fought alongside each other... If you had only told him what they have planned." He mumbled as they cared me to the raised chains on the wall of the torture chamber.

One of the men had the black mask over his head. I could only see his eyes.

"Please... the sooner you tell... The sooner we can end this." General Glozelle said.

I just kept my mouth shut.

General Glozelle nodded to the executioner. He drew his hand back and slapped me hard in the face.

I took a deep breath and turned my head forward, my face stinging.

"Lady Vyla... Please." General Glozelle pleaded.

The executioner brought his hand back, and punched me hard in my wound, knocking the wind out of me. But he didn't pull his hand back as he dug deeper.

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora