~Chapter 32~

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I ran through the woods. Staying in the shadows until I saw The How. I ran inside and Glenstorm ran over to meet me.

"My lady, we're glad you have arrived back safely."

I took the hood off my head.

"Prince Caspian is safe. He has the horn. You're to meet them in the Western Wood when night hits. Has Reep left yet?" I asked.

"He left shortly before you arrived. I'm about to leave to meet him"

"Good." I smiled.

"Will you not go with us?" Glenstorm asked.

I shook my head.

"I have things to prepare here... I'll meet you tonight. Now go... You have other things to tend to." I said. Glenstorm lowered his head before walking off.

~ ~ ~

I watched as Glenstorm and his sons left later that day. I prepared the other small group that was going to meet with them that night. Keeping my hood over my head, we left that evening to the spot.

"Water my lady?" A faun asked. I was sitting on a rock, my hood still over my head, wrapped in my cloak.

I shook my head. "No thank you." Then we heard rustling.

I stood as I saw the four centaurs walk through the trees with Caspian.

There was a clamoring as soon as Nikabrik pushed him into the center. Before I could say anything to calm the situation Nikabrik started speaking.

"All this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another thing from us!"

"I didn't steal anything."

"Didn't steal anything? Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?" A minotaur asked.

"Our homes!" One of the female Centaurs, Windmade, said.

"Our freedom!" A faun added.

"Our lives!" Another said.

"You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" Caspian asked.

"Accountable...and punishable!" Nikabrik said.

"That's words coming from you, dwarf. Or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?" Reepicheep said.

"And I'd gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians!"

"Then we are lucky it is not in your power to bring her back. Or are you suggesting that we ask this boy to go against Aslan now? Some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers remember well, that Narnia was never right except when a son of Adam was king." Trufflehunter said.

"He's a Telmarine! Why would we want him as our king?" Nikabrik replied.

"Shut up, all of you." I interrupted walking next to Caspian. I took my hood off and looked around.

"You all have lost a lot... I myself know what it's like... I lost my brother to the hands of the White Witch, I lost my husband, my father, my son... My home... But I am also half Telmarine. Some of your ancestors fought alongside my father... So you know that not all of them are bad. If King Caspian the First had not shown me compassion for the loss of my son... I wouldn't be here in front of you now..."

"I can help you. Beyond these woods, I am a prince. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine. Help me claim it, and I can bring peace between us." Caspian said.

"It is true. The time is ripe. I watch the skies, for it is mine to watch as it is yours to remember, badger. Tarva, the Lord of Victory, and Alambil, the Lady of Peace have come together in the high heavens. And now here a son of Adam has come forth to offer us back our freedom." Glenstorm said.

"Is it possible? Do you really think there could be peace? Do you? I mean I mean, really?" Patterwig the squirrel asked from his tree.

"Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, or dwarfs, or centaurs. Yet, here you are... in strength in numbers we Telmarines could never have imagined. Whether this horn is magic or not, it brought us together. And together, we have a chance to take back what is ours."

I smiled at Caspian's words.

"If you will lead us, then my sons and I offer you our swords." Glenstorm said as he and his sons drew their giant broadswords. Everyone around started drawing their weapons, and I did the same.

"And we offer you our lives... unreservedly." Reepicheep said as he bowed his head.

"Miraz'army will not be far behind us, sire." Trufflehunter said, his vice lowered.

"If we are to be ready for them, we need to hurry to find soldiers and weapons. I am sure they will be here soon." Caspian replied.

Everyone started talking among themselves.

"I knew you could do it." I smiled as I hugged Caspian.

"You will be here to guide me right? You've probably lived the longest... seen your fair share of battles and wars."

I nodded. "That is true... You my prince... But right now, you must go with Glenstorm to search for the others... I will meet you back at Aslan's how. Glenstorm knows the way."

"Please... At least come for the first leg... I have many questions for you."

"Your majesties. We must be off, they're waiting for us."

I turned towards Reep and smiled.

Caspian turned back towards me. "And my questions have just gone up." He smiled.

"I will come till we reach Aslan's How... Then you must go on your own." We started walking through the dark trees.

"Why did Reepicheep call you, your majesty?" He asked.

"I was a queen at some point or another." I said simply.


"I was never fully queen... It was my technical title but I never wanted to be queen... My son was king and my granddaughter succeeded me as queen consort..."

"And what about your son? What happened to him?"

I was unsure if I wanted to tell Caspian.

"Our son Robin was killed in the Telmarine conquest. He ruled for such a long time... He was a fourth Jinn after all. He did his father proud. He made me proud." I chuckled. "It seems like such a long time ago."

"How did you live all these years without... The people you loved?"

"Aslan..." I said simply. "He told me that my time wasn't up yet... And although somedays were worse than others. I was waiting for the day that Narnia would be free again... And I'm just glad I got to live to see this."

"You're physically young but you're wise beyond your years..."

"Another trait of the Jinn." I smiled as I looked up and saw the open plain.

"This is where I leave you, my prince." I said.

"Please, don't go."

"My journey ends here... But yours is just beginning. Please... The others are waiting for you." I smiled.

He hugged me before rejoining the group while I headed back to The How.

"How was it my lady?" A faun asked as I walked into the stone temple.

"They're on board... Now he just has to find the others and convince them to join our cause... And now. We wait... We prepare weapons and train and... Hope our prince doesn't get himself killed." 

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now