~Chapter 40~

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"General... Miraz's army is ready to leave..."

Glozelle nodded and walked over to the executioner. "Leave us." He walked over to me and lifted my chin. I had endured hours of their torture... it was mostly beatings.

"You are obviously very persistent... if it weren't for the fact of who your family was... You'd be dead right now..."

Everything hurt as he unlocked my chains. I fell to the floor, my arms were numb.

"Take her to the dungeons."

They carried me to the dungeons and I slept... I didn't know how long I slept but I slept till I felt something fuzzy near my head, whispering in my ear.

"My lady?"

I groggily opened my eyes.

"Reep?" I asked.

"Great Aslan, you're alive." He smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Prince Caspian sent me to see if you were alright."

"He did?" I asked managing to sit up, noticing that my shirt was still stained red.

Reep nodded.

"If you can get to the tower on the east side... We'll have one of the Gryphon's waiting."

"I." I was breathing heavy, feeling my eyes heavy. "I don't know if I can."

Reep climbed onto my shoulder and slapped me. He was tiny but there was power in it.

That woke me up.

"My lady. We need you. Now." He climbed down my shoulder and out of the bars, shortly returning with the key.

"I can leave this with you... Wait two hours after the sun goes down."

"I don't know if I can." I said resting my head against the wall.

"My lady... If you aren't there for king Peter... I don't know if he'll be able to fight the same..."

I looked at Reep before reaching into my pocket for the vile.

"Put this is the guards drinks... It'll knock them out."

I let out a deep sigh.

"For Narnia." I smiled.

"That's the spirit... Now I'll see you soon." He bowed before scurrying out of the cell.

Waited for the sun to go down and when the guards were passed out. I groaned as I stood and dragged myself to the cell door. I unlocked it and took the dagger off one of the sleeping soldiers.

Then I made a run for it. Every step was agony.

I could hear the soldiers behind me shouting. Then I saw the edge of the tower and climbed up and jumped.

I closed my eyes, feeling one of the arrows of the crossbow graze my leg before I felt gravity rising.

I opened my eyes and saw the gryphon, carrying me. I felt a head rush as the temple came into view. The Gryphon landed at the top of The How placing me on the ground carefully.

"I need all the help I can get." I heard Reep yell. I fell to the ground in attempts to stand up but

"What's going on?" I heard the distinct accent of Caspian.

My head was buzzing.

"She's bleeding, bad. Get Doctor Cornelius... And wake King Peter."

"Thank you." I whispered to the fuzzy figures walking around. They lifted me and carried me down to another room.

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now