~Chapter 5~

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"There's no snow." Luc said looking over the hill. They had traveled what seemed to be all night and all day.

"Welcome to Aslan's camp..." The centaur said.

Their run slowed to a walk and Luc jumped from the centaur's back.

"I need to speak with Aslan..." He said to no one in particular.

The centaur nodded as they approached one of the tents. It was larger than the others at the head of the row of creatures preparing for something.

He walked into the tent and Luc dropped to his knee and bowed his head.

"Please rise... Lucien Dennor, Son of Covan and Theabryn." Aslan... The majestic lion said.

"Your highness..." Luc smiled as he stood.

"Why have you come see me young Telmarine?"

"My sister..."


Luc nodded. "Maugrim took her... Because she helped a Narnian..."

"That she did... I was told of her kindness."

"I need to get her back... My father told me to protect her... and I couldn't." Luc lowered his head.

"We will find a way to retrieve your sister... The Witch has another important prisoner we're trying to rescue..."

"Thank you... Aslan..." Luc smiled.

"Of course. Your mother was always a true believer... I had no doubt that her children would be too."

"I'm sorry to tell you but... I haven't always..."

"I know... But it's not good to dwell on the past..." Aslan said as he started walking out of the tent with Luc.

"Lucien... There is someone I'd like you to meet..." He said as they approached three people. Two girls and a boy. The youngest girl was no older than ten. The other girl and boy were around Vy's age.

"Lucien... Meet Peter, Susan, and Lucy.  A son of Adam and daughters of Eve." Aslan said.

"It's very nice to meet you. Call me Luc." Luc said holding his hand out to the boy.

Peter had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. He looked nothing like his sisters. Susan had dark brown hair and Lucy had light brown hair.

"Peter." Peter said locking arms with him.

"So, you're the ones the prophesy foretold?" Luc smiled.

"We've been told." Peter replied.

"My sister will be angry at me that I got to see this before her... She believed more than I."

"Where is your sister?" The youngest girl asked.

"She was taken... By Maugrim the wolf. She's a prisoner of the White Witch now."

"Our brother is too..." Peter said.

"Rest assured... We will find a way to rescue both of them." Aslan said. "Lucien. Get some food... Peter I'd like to speak to you."

The lion and Peter walked off towards the cliffs.

"It was nice to meet you... Lucy, let's go down by the river." Susan said taking her sister's hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Luc said watching as they walked off.

He found the table but didn't eat much, thinking about how his sister was probably starving.

Suddenly his head snapped up as he heard the horn. He grabbed his bow and followed after Peter and Aslan towards the river.

By the time he got there, bow drawn. Peter had his sword pointed at Maugrim.

"Stay back... This is Peter's battle..." Aslan said softly. He had one of his large paws holding down the other wolf.

Suddenly Maugrim pounced at Peter, tackling both of them to the ground.

"Peter no!" Lucy screamed.

Aslan lifted his paw, letting the other wolf go. "Follow him! He'll lead you to Edmund and Vyla."

"Take me with you." Luc said as the Centaur stopped and lifted him onto his back.

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now