~Chapter 27~

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(Narnian year; 1015)

I looked out the balcony as Robin played with Eevelah. The two were playing with wooden swords my father had made. They were both nine and it seemed like the years passed in the blink of an eye.

Narnia almost faced war with the Calormen Empire after Susan refused to marry the awful Prince Rabadash and then we helped aid them in the Archenland Conflicts. 

Peter managed to run out the giants in Ettinsmor and solved all the conflicts in the Lone Islands.

Peter, Edmund, and my father had Robin training since he could walk. He had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles.

Oramythh and Aleurian's second daughter reminded me so much of myself... She never dressed up and always wanted to do things like horseback riding and archery instead of tea parties and playing with dolls. The opposite of her older sister.

"I'm telling you I saw it!"

I turned as I heard the commotion outside.

"What's going on?" I asked as Edmund passed me with Lucy , close on his heels.

"We're gonna go hunt the White Stag." Ed said.

I followed them out to the courtyard where Peter and Susan were already saddling their horses.

"You're going too?" I chuckled.

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it." Peter walked over to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Papa!" Robin yelled as he ran over.

Peter turned and opened his arms as our son threw his arms around his neck.

Peter picked him up and spun him around before putting him back on the ground.

"Can I come? Eeve and I have been practicing." He said drawing his wood sword and stabbing Peter in the stomach with it. Peter dramatically started "dying" which caused Robin to burst into laughter.

Peter stood and knelt down to Robin's level.

"I'm sorry but you can't come this time... I need someone to run the kingdom while I'm gone..." Peter said, his voice lowered.

Peter glanced back at me.

"Also, you don't want your mother to get lonely." He smiled.

Robin let out a deep sigh as he ran back over to where he had left Eevelah.

"Stay safe... Okay?" I asked, adjusting his cloak buckle.

"Always." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed me again.

"Peter. Come on let's go." Lucy called.

"Go." I smiled as he mounted his horse and turned it towards his siblings.

I watched as they rode of towards the woods.

I turned back towards where Robin and Eevelah were playing. Then I noticed the woman walking closer, with the young child in her arms.

I approached Oramythh and hugged her.

"Where are they off to?" She asked as she placed her third daughter, the three-year-old Lilann, on the ground.

"Hunting... Where's Filis?" I asked looking for the girl.

"That girl. All she wants to do is sit in her room and read... Or go to her friends' houses for tea."

"She doesn't even want to visit her favorite Godmother anymore?" I asked placing a hand over my heart.

"You know I try." Oramythh smiled.

"I know..." I said.

We watched as Robin was in the process of dramatically dying from having been run through with Eevelah's wooden sword.

"He's just like his father." I chuckled.

"So have you and Peter thought about... Having any more?" She asked. "I know it's not my place but... Does Robin ever get... Lonely?"

I paused.

"Yeah... Sometimes. His aunts and uncles keep him pretty occupied when he's not tending to his studies. But the boy is so smart he breezes through his lessons... And Peter and I have... Talked about it... But sometimes I think it wasn't meant to be." I looked down at my hands.

"Vy, I'm sorry... I really am."

"Don't be..." I said.

"well, if you ever want a winey three-year-old back in the house, feel free to take that one." She pointed to the little girl who was about to eat a dandelion but Oramythh quickly grabbed it and picked her up.

~ ~ ~

I sat at the dining room table with my father and Robin. The others still weren't back yet and I was growing worried. And my father could tell.

He ran a hand through his dark greying hair as he ate his mashed potatoes. He swallowed before,

"They've been gone longer..." He tried to reassure me.

"I know but... I just have a bad feeling."

Many days passed before I finally requested a search party to be sent out.

When the party returned they looked almost defeated. I ran out to meet the centaur leading the party.

"I'm sorry my lady... there was no trace of them..."

"So they're missing?" I demanded.

"The only things we were able to find were these," He looked to one of the fauns at his side who held out the blanket.

I took it and looked at the contents inside, feeling tears in my eyes.

Inside, was Lucy's Cordial and dagger, Susan's bow, quiver and horn, and Rhindon, Peter's sword.

I dropped to my knees and cried as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw my father.

"How... How am I going to tell Robin his father just vanished?" I whispered.

"I... I don't know... I remember when I had to explain to you... What happened to your mother. It wasn't easy and I don't know if you truly understood but..." His voice caught.

"My lady." I heard someone say. "With the prince not old enough to lead... You are now made queen consort... Narnia looks to you." The centaur said bowing his head.

I shook my head.

"No... I'm not your queen..." I said sanding, holding the weapons in my arms, close to me.

"Prince Robin can assume the throne when he's thirteen... We just need you to lead till then."

I let out a deep sigh as I stood.

"Fine... But let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am not your queen." 

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon