~Chapter 2~

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"Vy wake up!" Luc shook me awake.

"What is it?" I asked sitting up, the overwhelming smell of smoke filling my nostrils.

"The woods are on fire. Dad went to go try to put it out, he told me to get you safe." He said as he handed me my boots, dagger, and short sword.

I quickly put them on as he started packing things in a pack for me.

"Do you think... This is my fault?" I coughed.

"We don't have time to talk about it." He said as he handed me the pack and my cloak.

I put both on and he ran out of my room. I was about to follow but I stopped and saw mom's picture on the mantle.

"Vyla we gotta go!" He shouted from outside. But I was determined. I jumped over the log from the celling that was on fire and grabbed it. I had just made it outside when our cabin collapsed.

"Where's dad!?" I demanded as Luc mounted our horse, Sean.

"I don't know!" He replied as he reached his hand out.

"We can't leave him!" I shouted.

"We have to. Come on. He told me to get you safe."

I let out a deep sigh as I climbed up behind him. He gave Sean a hard kick and we started off. We rode hard for a while before Luc jumped down and started walking next to us.

"Why did you go back in?" He demanded.

"I needed to get moms picture it's the only one we have of her."

"You weren't thinking again. That's just a picture. It almost cost you your own life."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Dad just said head east. So that's what I'm doing."

I looked behind me. The woods were no longer in sight and it was midday.

"I hope he's alright..."

"He'll meet back up with us when we arrive."

"Luc... Where are we going?"

He didn't respond.

I reached forward and grabbed a clump of Sean's mane and pulled him to a stop.

"Lucien Barthlaim Dennor you better tell me where we're going right this second."

He stopped and looked around before coming closer to Sean and I.

"Father caught word that Aslan's army is assembling... It's safe in his camp... We just need to get there."

I put a hand over my mouth.

"I was right." I smiled. "Mother's stories weren't just stories."

"Keep it down... you don't know who's watching..." Luc said as we continued walking.

"Yes sir." I replied.

We decided to stop when we reached a stream. It was still freezing out although the stream was running.

"Cold?" Luc asked as he took his cloak off and held it out to me.

"You're not good to me frozen." I chuckled as I rejected it.

"True." He smiled putting it back on.

We took turns riding and walking. Luc finally got some sleep after a whole day and a half as I walked along side Sean.

I hoped my dad was alive... and safe... and headed to the same place we were headed.

"I'm going to look for something to eat..." Luc said knocking an arrow into his bow before walking towards the woods.

I sat, trying to make a fire when I heard a twig snap.

I drew my sword knowing it wasn't Luc playing a trick.

"Who's there?" I demanded.

"Took a while to track you." The snarling voice snapped. The voice was followed by the wolf emerging from the woods.

"The queen wants her alive." He growled as he lunged forward.

I didn't know what to do but scream.

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora